happy tft party day
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Happy TFT Party Day

Happy TFT ( Thursday Favorite Things) party day everyone. A big thank you to all who sent prayers and well wishes from yesterday’s post. I appreciate your love and concern and have shared it with our daughter. She is grateful to know so many are praying and sending love and light her way. Welcome to the…

Put Your Party Hat On TFT
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Put Your Party Hat On TFT

Hello friends, time to Put Your Party Hat On , it’s TFT party day! I’m so happy to have you joining us. I can’t wait to see what you will share this week. Before we party I’m happy to shine the light on a few of our lovely bloggers from last week’s party. Please leave a…


Hi! You’re here, how wonderful, I’m so happy! Thank you for participating in, Make a Miracle and for your Kindness, Readership, and Generosity. Thank you for recognizing that Miracles are not just to be noticed at Christmas but all through the year. Please download, one, two or all of the Joy printables and please accept my…

holiday memories giveaway
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Holiday Memories Giveaway

Hello my sweet bloggy friends. I hope you enjoyed a wonderful Thanksgiving celebration and that you had some leftovers too. Do any of you eat stuffing and cranberry sandwiches? I use margarine on the bread but no other condiments, yum. The Season of Giveaways is chugging right along and I’m happy to add this Holiday…

turkey time
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Turkey Time

It’s thanksgiving week here in the US and this weeks Turkey Time Monday inspirations is an easy one. Looks like we all have thanksgiving on our mind. Thanksgiving is one of my two favorite Holiday’s ( Christmas is the other). A whole day dedicated to being grateful. To sharing, giving and making happy memories. Lets…