make it monday week fifty three-katherines corner
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Make It Monday Week Fifty Three

Make It Monday Week Fifty Three Hello and welcome to another wonderful week of inspirations. I hope everyone had a nice weekend. We enjoyed quite a bit of much needed rain. It postponed some outdoor gardening but it is all worth. We already have water restrictions on our secondary water, so our garden is happy. We also celebrated…

7 Surprising Places to Hang a Chandelier

7 Surprising Places to Hang a Chandelier

Hello friends, I have often mentioned that blogging provides many wonderful opportunities for new friendships. It is truly one of the many joys I receive by sharing with you here at Katherines Corner. We all enjoy creating homes filled with things we love and things that make us smile, so today’s special guest is sure…

make it monday week fifty
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Make It Monday Week Fifty

Make It Monday Week Fifty Happy Monday everyone! I have a lot of creativity to share today . But first I will say thank you So Much for your lovely comments and emails on my heart to heart post. Katherines Corner has the best bloggy friends! Okay lets plan your menu and inspire your week with this…

make it monday week forty eight
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Make It Monday Week Forty Eight

Make It Monday Week Forty Eight- Happy Monday everyone! We had two beautiful blue bird days here. Perfect temperatures and blue skies. I hope you were enjoying some spring like weather too. Lets get started with Make It Monday Week Forty Eight where you are sure to find inspiration for your menu, your style, your home and your…

greatest snow on earth
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Greatest Snow On Earth

Greatest Snow On Earth This morning I watched the meteorologist on our local television station as she expounded on the frigid weather across the Unites States. So many poor souls inundated by ice storms, blizzards, winds chilling to the bone and snowdrifts so high they can’t open their doors! Here in Utah, our state license…

make it monday week forty one
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Make It Monday Week Forty One

Make It Monday Week Forty One Before I get started with Make it Monday week forty one, Pam, Nina, Sheila and I are happy to announce that we have a new co hostess for the Thursday Favorite Things blog hop. Please join us in welcoming the lovely Jas  from All Thats’ Jas.        Now your blog…