sleeping schapso dog in the sun photograph
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His Place In The Sun

His Place In The Sun It’s oxymoron day. Time for a little wordy wordless Wednesday. Our sweet Izzy had his first professional grooming the other day. It was the first time I trusted someone to care for him, bathe him and cut his furry wonderfulness ( yes I know its not a word, giggle). I…

afternoon tea collection
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Tea For One

 Tea For One It was a lovely day, the sun was shining bright in the afternoon sky, not a cloud to be seen. There was a slight breeze that carried the fragrance of the garden flowers in my direction. Just enough of a breeze to keep the temperature tolerable. I set a pretty table and…

Lets Play
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Lets Play

Lets Play It’s oxymoron day here at Katherines Corner “wordy wordless Wednesday” I thought I’d share a photo of our sweet Izzy. He’s asking you to play. He loves his toys. He has far to many…hanging head low…yes this is my fault 🙂 Do you spoil your pets? SEE YOU AT THE HOP TOMORROW!!! Please…

Just Ten Things

Just Ten Things

Just Ten Things Wow another Tid Bit Tuesday already. I’ll be over sharing just ten things you most likely don’t know about me, and hoping you will share a few things with me too 🙂                                                                                   image source 1- My husband and I found each other through a mutual friend and met for…