Lets Dance
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Lets Dance

It’s oxymoron day…Wordy Wordless Wednesday, giggle. My decorating is nearly finished. I mentioned yesterday Izzy likes to dance. Do you have any idea how difficult it is to take a photo of a puppy dancing? LOL 🙂 These are a little out of focus . But I think you can imagine the smile I had…

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It’s Wordy -Wordless Wednesday! Maybe I should rename it oxymoron day:-) I know you are going to giggle when you see these simple snaps of our sweet Izzy. Not to worry though, as soon as he comes inside I wrap him in a towel and melt all of the snow off of him. Then he snuggles in his blanket….

Making Happy Memories

Making Happy Memories

We have had our beautiful grandchildren ( four of the five) staying with us for a few days while their parents have been out of town.I love being a Grandma! The toughest part is getting them all ready for school in the morning (except the youngest he gets to sleep in). Our oldest ( she’s 13) was…