feather wreath diy

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  1. Your wreath is to die for!! I’m thinking your trusty supervisor was watching to make sure you did want a black fur wreath! xoxox, Brenda

  2. Simply stunning! Very elegant and looks beautiful above your angel! I’m off to hunt down boa’s, thank goodness you didn’t do it with single feathers…but know one needs to know that, it’s our secret!
    Crafty Hugs,

  3. Lovely! I love white decor, and this fluffy wreath reminds me of white fluffy snow. I would love to make my own version of one of these. Not sure if I will do it in time for Christmas this year or not, but will def. do it some time 🙂 Thanks for sharing.

  4. Katie,

    I admired your wreath when you first showed it on the post about your Christmas decor. It seems really easy to do and it certainly turned out beautiful!

  5. That was very “crafty” of you, Katie, and your mantle looks terrific! I am most enamored of the picture of your supervisor. Izzy looks happy and content w/o that awful cone around his neck. My Toto still needs to wear her cone collar to prevent her from nipping at her surgical site. She had a cancerous toe amputated last week and is recovering nicely just in time for the holidays. Happy Tuesday to you, dear friend!

Love each other as God loves you xo

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