Eat Your Veggies
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Eat Your Veggies

Eat Your Veggies I love veggies, we eat plenty of fruits and veggies at our house. When I was younger I only ate veggies. Now I eat chicken, fish and a little pork too. I still very rarely eat any red meat. I think it will be easy for you to eat your veggies with some…

birthday menu katherines corner
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Birthday Menu

Birthday Menu- Years ago my sweet hubby baked me a sugar free carrot cake for my birthday. It was a kind and loving gift and it was truly appreciated. But, unfortunately it didn’t taste very good. Even though it was baked with love I had to eventually stop eating it. Years later I told him the…

autumn decor
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Its Autumn Thursday Favorite Things Link Party

Its Autumn and time for the Thursday Favorite Things Link Party- Two of my very favorite Things. Autumn and our Link Party .Its official, it’s the first day of Autumn Sept 22! You may have heard me yell out with excitement at the promise of finding new autumn scenes to photograph and the never to soon, cool down…

almost everything marinade is great for grilling chicken or fish
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Almost Everything Marinade

Almost Everything Marinade- There’s still plenty of summer left to keep your barbecue going and  my almost everything marinade recipe ( wink) is great for the grill. Marinating meats is all about using an acid based ” sauce” also known as a citrus, vinegar “soak” .  Most meats fish and poultry prepared using marinades will be perfectly flavored…