make it monday the best diy,recipe , home decorand inspirational blogs to.inspire your menu, home decor,style and creativity at katherines corner
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Make It Monday Sixty Two

Make It Monday Week Sixty Two- It’s time fot Make It Monday week sixty two and I’m shining the light on some wonderful features from last week’s Thursday Favorite Things blog hop.  I hope everyone enjoyed a lovely weekend.  Please invite your bloggy friends to join us at the hop this week.♥ I noticed links have…

Saturday Sharing Seven

Saturday Sharing

Saturday Sharing Happy Weekend wishes everyone. I know I rarely post on Saturday but I’m trying something new this week. It’s important to try new things don’t you think?  It’s been a rough week here ( health wise). But,  I am blessed to be loved and have the care of, my beloved husband and our wonderful…

make it monday week fifty nine
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Make It Monday Week Fifty Nine

Make It Monday Week Fifty Nine- I’m shining the light on some wonderful features from last weeks Thursday Favorite Things blog hop. I’m also adding something new to the Make It Monday posts. I will be sharing my co hostesses posts too. I hope everyone enjoyed a lovely weekend. It was very HOT here ( 100,102 and…

make it monday week fifty seven
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Make It Monday Week Fifty Seven

Make It Monday Week Fifty Seven I hope everyone had a wonderful weekend.  Oh my goodness it was hot here! We enjoyed some gardening time ( in the early morning and evening) and we had our first barbecue! Have you had a barbecue yet? Before I share all of the wonderful features this week I want to…

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Make It Monday Week Fifty Six

Make It Monday Week Fifty Six I hope everyone had a wonderful weekend. We have been under a boil water notice and it still continues. Unfortunately they found E .Coli in our culinary water and we have been using bottled water for everything. It was apparently discovered on Tuesday but we ( the community) were not notified…

make it monday week 54 katherines corner
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Make It Monday on Tuesday

Make It Monday on Tuesday I know it may seem silly to have Make It Monday on Tuesday. But, with the holiday I didn’t want any of the lovely features to be missed. I wish I could feature every single one of your fantastic blog posts. I was happy to see so much participation with…