Saturday Sharing Seven

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  1. Katherine,
    I am so sorry to hear about your health issuess and you will be in my prayers. I love your idea for Saturday Sharing posts as reading your blog always brightens my day. Thank you for working so hard to be an inspiration to others, even as you face your own challenges.

  2. Hi Katharine,
    You mentioned that you are going through something in your post. I am sorry to hear that you’re experiencing whatever it is, and want you to know that you are in my thoughts. I totally understand as I have daily tears of loss for my mother’s passing, but as you said, with love surrounding us, we will get through our trials. May joy soon grace your days!

  3. Katherine, so sorry to hear about your health challenges. I hope it’s something that can be resolved soon. We have a few things going on as well. Sending you a hug and prayers.

  4. Katherine – I love your new Saturday Sharing! It does my heart good when I open your emails. I hope you find out something soon about your heath issues. I know how stressful the unknown can be. You are on mind and in my prayers sweet friend. {{{Hugs}}}

  5. I wanted to pop over and tell you that I hope you feel better soon too. I don’t like to hear you aren’t well my friend. Take care of yourself and rest this weekend. Sweet hugs, Diane

  6. I think your Saturday Sharing is a sweet way to start the weekend. I was out of town so you got me caught up. Hope you feel better. I can’t have ice cream either so we can drool together.

Love each other as God loves you xo

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