make it monday week fifty nine

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  1. Thanks so much for the feature! I am sorry but i just saw it! I gave you a Shout Out on Google + and will be mentioning it in my next post.
    Thanks again!!


  2. Hi Katherine!
    Thank you so much for featuring my vintage desk drawer turned tray!
    It means the world to me to be featured here with so many other talented people!!!
    Hugs, Kimberley @

  3. Aw, so sweet of you to include co-hostesses posts (say that three times fast, lol). I love Nina’s wreath and whisky marshmallows and the cheesecake and that maxi skirt…oh who am I kidding, I love all the features! Hope your week is off to a great start! xo 🙂

  4. I enjoyed the features, especially the food-related ones! Then again, I’m getting close to lunchtime, so that may be why all the food looked especially yummy.

Love each other as God loves you xo

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