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  1. Thank you for the wonderful, positive spin on January, Katherine! I usually dread January, but you have reminded me of some good memories. And, of course, soup, one of my favorite things about winter! I hope you’re having a feel good day.

    1. Happy new year Alex! I must admit you are the first person I have ever known that isn’t a soup person. But if its because the temperature is uncomfortable I understand completely. I do know people who are sensitive to hot and cold. Oh I’m so happy this post sparked a happy memory for you my friend. Hugs!

  2. This January I do not know what to expect. I love Christmas and the feeling the holidays bring. January is when we celebrate my mother’s birthday. We (I am one of 7) lost my mother this past year. Growing up birthdays were special. So having her birthday in January and in the cold and snow she loved the warmth that her 7 kids and husband brought to the month. Later it would include the in-law kids and the grandchildren. I do not know what to expect but I will be thankful for each day as we were taught by our parents.
    Best to you for the New Year.

  3. Happy January Katherine! My mom always gave me a chicken bouillon cube when I was sick. So funny, I haven’t thought about that in years! I used to make tomato soup and grilled cheese sandwiches for my daughter and her friends when they would come in from sledding.

    And yes, I also dog ear my catalogs or wish books as I called them when I was little 🙂

    1. Hello Maria, oh how wonderful that sparked a memory for you. Yes, boullion for sick days for me too. For a special treat she would be lipton boxed chicken noodle soup. We always referred to it as our sicky soup. Hugs!

Love each other as God loves you xo

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