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  1. Great Recipe! I wish I would have found this sooner to try when it was a bit colder! But that won't stop me from trying it!!

    Thanks for sharing it! I am a new follower from MBC and will be checking back often 🙂

  2. This sounds really good for a cold night. We love tomato soup with grilled cheese after church on Sunday night. Thanks for sharing it, Katherine!
    Happy Sunday!

  3. I love tomato soup, it's such a winter comfort food! It would go nicely with my recent post about maple muffins for dessert . . . Thanks, and have a wonderful weekend!


  4. On a cold day Tomato bisque is
    my favoeire with fresh basil.
    This sounds so good i am going to try it. Thanks,

  5. This is right up my alley & the weather we've been having has me craving soups. I will def. give this a try. Thanks! 🙂

  6. I'm making a quick stop to tell you I have left an award for you on my blog. If you don't like awards, as I know some people don't, I really just want you to know you are one of the people who have been a huge inspiration to me and I greatly appreciate that. Have a great weekend!

  7. That recipe sound so good! Hot soups ate a life savour on winter days, and i love tomatoes! Have a lovely sunday!

  8. Oh my goodness, that looks and sounds delish and perfect for a cold not-so-Florida like weather we're having. Yum!


  9. Wow, home made tomato soup. Brings back child hood memories and the desire for a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. 🙂

  10. Sounds delicious, Katie! Thank you so much for sharing the recipe with us. I like food with a little kick, and I've always been a big tomato soup fan.


    Sheila 🙂

  11. wow this really looks good and I love the idea of roasting the toms first to get extra flavour! I'm a big soup maker but never tomato although this one does look exceptional I may just have to give it a try x

  12. My husband has warm memories of tomato soup from his childhood. I've never made it for him in all the 32 years I've been with him!!… *slapping my hand…"Bad Wife!* So….maybe now is the time! 🙂

  13. I love tomato soup, and I bet the roasted tomatoes make it even more delicious! Will have to give this a try. Thanks for sharing!

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