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  1. What a great way to start my new year. I love finding new recipes. This looks really delicious and i hope to try it out this weekend.. Thanks for sharing and happy new year to you..

  2. I love this recipe and surely will be trying it soon. Hope all is well and happy in your neck of the woods. We have a beautiful day here in NC and it is Linda’s birthday so we will be taking her to the Chinese restaurant where her daughter works for lunch. will be a short work week again so enjoy yours and thanks for the great recipe.

  3. oh this is sooooooo fabulous!!!! as you can imagine — i will be making these! maybe we should start a little blog hop meatless monday linky — we are on the same page!!!
    sending hugs to you my friend and may your day be filled with all things good and if this is what’s for dinner — you have a great start!!! : ) hugs…

Love each other as God loves you xo

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