Do You Oosouji, New Year 2012

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  1. Totally agree, fresh start begins with the home with me too. Everything is packed away now to clean those windows and floors. Have a great day Katherine

  2. What a great word Katherine!
    I’m slowly working my way through ‘oosouji’ing’ our home but perhaps not as thoroughly as you.

    Best wishes for a brilliant year to come.
    Happy hugs from afar.

  3. Thank you very much for mentioning about Japan!!!
    I was really happy reading it, my friend. I still have weary feeling from busy schedule of year end and new year, haha.
    Hope you are having wonderful beginning og new year♬♬♬
    Blessing to you, xoxo Miyako*

  4. We are still in the process of getting everything put away and it seems like twice as much as when it was put up. I am anxious to get to the cleaning part. I had never heard of that tradition but it seems like a good idea. Good luck with the cleaning but don’t work too hard!——- Shannon

  5. I usually don’t … but today we’ve been busy putting up some swirly media storage so we can finally unpack and organize all of our DVDs. We plan on trying to declutter as much as possible this year.

  6. I actually do this right before beginning the up the Christmas/Yule decor and festivities, which is our home lasts 12 days in much the same way the old Norse celebrated Yule. It begins with Mother’s night on the 20th and ends in the New Year. Happy new year, sweet Katherine.

  7. Hi Katherine!
    I saw your sweet comment on my blog, and had to pop over for a visit. I LOVE your post – and I’ve never heard about this Japanese tradition before. I only WISH my house were completely organized, spic & span and ready to receive this new year at it’s best! I’ve created a mess for myself, and am painting my living room this weekend. But, this gives me something new to add to my new year’s resolution list!
    I’ll be back for your link party on Thursday. 🙂

  8. No spotless house on the new year for me…I try to leave the Christmas decorations up until the first week of January, then down they come and the house returns to its normal self.
    I loved hearing about your Sister! How special that you found each other after all the missed years.
    Hugs, GraceinAZ

  9. My home is never spotless…however I do lots of putting away and laundry and ironing to begin the new year with a less stressful load of chores. I am looking forward to a very blissful and creative 2012 for all of us. Champagne Hugs…

  10. Hello Katie, Thank you so much for stopping by my site. I always get a smile when I have seen you have been there. Yes, I also do a year end cleaning. Was raised that way and just kept it going. Love that tub, BTW. Wishing you all the best in the coming year.

  11. Hi Katherine,
    I do the same thing every year. I always put away all of my Christmas decor the day of, or the day after Christmas and I start cleaning the house from top to bottom. I love starting the New Year with a fresh and clean home.
    That’s a great idea on how to clean blinds, thank you for the tip.
    And thank you so much for stopping by my blog, I really appreciate it!!
    Wishing you a wonderful and Happy New Year!

  12. Sounds like a great tradition, then when Spring comes your already done!
    We use to hose our metal blinds outside, we made a rack to hold them. Now I have wooden ones that must be dusted by hand. My tree will be up for a few more weeks. Happy New Year!

  13. Hello!
    Thankyou for your lovely comments on my blog – thankyou for stopping by! Your blog is lovely! I will definitely have to take a closer look around 🙂 I have added my blog to your impressive blog list. Thankyou for inviting me! I hope you have a wonderful New Year!

  14. In the past I have always made sure the house was clean and organized before new year…Also like to make sure all bills are paid…Last yr I was nursing a very sick toddler and did not get to clean or take down Christmas, and yes this yr has been a little untidy and less organized than I would have hoped…I do hope to have time to do some cleaning inside the house before tomorrow night but we just take it one day at a time around here because that is life with a 3yr old….The animal pens and stalls are all clean though 🙂

    Hope you have a wonderful New Year.

  15. I usually make sure
    the house is tidy, ( it may reduce the chances my house will be a mess)
    the laundry done,( hoping I won’t get the mountains that tend to pile up)
    car full of gas, ( hoping I wont be stranded somewhere without gas)
    and money in my pocket. (hoping I will have enough to get me through)

  16. I love the concept of Oosouji, especially around the holidays when I have extra time off. We are trying to do some projects around the house, like patching a hole in the ceiling. I am also going to tackle doing clutter clean up and getting rid of items we no longer want.

  17. I did some rearranging, redecorating, and decluttering between Thanksgiving and Christmas and will get cracking at the bigger things after New Year’s. If they fit in the tub, they get a good scrub!

    “Akemashite Omedetou!” Happy New Year, Katherine! (I looked it up.)


  18. I’m afraid I do my cleaning around my aches and pains. When I feel good, I clean. When I hurt, I say the heck with it! My 2′ tree goes back in the box this weekend. Easy up, easy down! Happy 2012 to you and your family.

  19. Oh, how I wish this motivated me and did not convict me so! Would you come over?? I need to also do this every year…I just am not motivated! But, I agree with your reasons and applaud your work!!

  20. I’ve been doing a lot of “spring cleaning” this week, too! I usually do a thorough cleaning after taking down the holiday decorations. Let’s face it, with all the holiday decorations sitting around and busy schedules, there’s not much deep cleaning getting done during the holiday season. I do quick pickups and that’s about it.

    Happy and Healthy New Year!

  21. yes i do! hoping to accomplish a tidy new start (fingers and paws crossed) sending you tons of hugs and special little twinkles of light throughout your year!!! (hugs) to you and yours!

  22. I wish I had the energy to start the New Year with a spotless house. I think I’d have to have a new house and start over, before that could happen. (I ruined the finish on my tub cleaning the blinds in there)

Love each other as God loves you xo

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