pan roasted brussel sprouts

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  1. I’ve always enjoyed Brussel Sprouts! Nice to read about another delicious way to prepare them for my family! Thank you so much for sharing!!!


  2. This looks incredible! I’m drooling right now. Pinned and tweeted. We are so thrilled to have you at our party. Please stop by tonight at 7, so we can see your amazing projects. Lou Lou Girls

  3. I am not a super big brussel sprout fan but my hubby is and maybe if I tried 6 cloves of garlic that might be the secret way to entice the family. wink…wink…Maybe the addition of bacon would be an extra good measure. Happy Belated St. Patty’s day to you.

  4. I’m loving this recipe my friend. Usually BS are plain, but now I’m sure I will like them lots more and so will hubby. Thanks for sharing. Pinning it!

  5. Hi Katherine, this is perfect timing. I bought Brussel Sprouts yesterday though I have never cooked them before. I had planned on looking up a recipe today and then your post popped into my email! Synchronicity! Happy St. Patrick’s Day! Michele

  6. I love this, Katherine. We adore brussels sprouts over here, but I’m usually roasting them in the oven. This is a great solution for those days when I don’t want all that heat in the house. I can almost taste that crunchy cooked edge now:)

Love each other as God loves you xo

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