fresh salsa

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  1. Pingback: Meals On Monday,Chocolate | Katherines Corner | Chocolate
  2. Only fitting with all the tomatoes coming out of your garden that salsa is on the menu. I love good salsa and corn chips. It was a little rainy this weekend so after checking in on my youngest daughter Rachel, who was in the car accident, and wishing her a happy 27th B/D, then a quick stop to wish my Aunt Katie a happy 103rd B/D it was home to finish my school work. It was a really good feeling when I had done all that I could that was available on line. Now I can breathe easy for a while. Hope you are feeling well & rested as you read this. Have a wonderful week.
    Big Hugs,

  3. It has been some time since I have made fresh Salsa…not since I lived in Texas. You make it just the way I did minus the chili peppers…it is an excellent snack! ~Hugs, M

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