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  1. So sorry for the multiple postings to the linky. I had some problems getting my link to work last night and I had to try a couple times for it to be added. I didn’t see that the link posted until this morning.

  2. Sorry for the double link 27 & 28, I’m having troubles throughout blogland this week; comments, following, text, font, linking, you name it and it’s probably happening. I’d remove the second link, but haven’t seen how to do it.

    Have a great weekend!

  3. Hi Katie
    I’m a new follower to your blog although I’ve been following Sarah’s Alderberry Hill for a little while. I like your book club posts as I’m a moderator/member of a book club in addition to my crafting hobby! I hope you can come by for a visit at Thanks for hosting the blog hop! I posted the 2012 Calendar & Photo Canvas project.

  4. I entered the blog hop. Thanks Katherine for having this, it’s really nice. I linked my blog because for some reason the linky will not work for me.

  5. Hi Katherine! Great blog! I follow Sarah and so glad I found your blog. GFC won’t let me in for some reason but trust that I will keep trying throughout the day. Cheers!

  6. Hi lovely lady.
    Thanks so much for having your sweet linky party…
    Your saucer came yesterday so sweet of you Katherine love it….
    I did take a photo but can not Email you ?? maybe you can send me your Email Thanks so much sweet lady.
    XXOO Diane

  7. Good morning my sweet friend ;o) I am so glad I figured out how to get over here! I’ve linked up today and posted the code at mamas*little*treasures. I’m off to promote the hop in the Ruby community as well as on our FB and Twitter pages. I hope to have a bit of time this afternoon to go out visiting ;o) and connect with some new bloggy friends. Have a great Thursday! BIG Hugs, N

  8. Hi Katie-it’s so much fun linking up to your fabulous party with all the amazing bloggers…looks like I’m the only food blogger?…well, actually, thrift blogger as well!
    Thanks for hosting, have a wonderful weekend:DDD

  9. Hi Kathryn… thanks for reminding me to link up ! It’s great to meet new people as part of the link up.
    Super host as ever. 😉
    Jennie. x (snapdragondiaries)

  10. Thanks so much for hosting…..this is a fun meme.
    Now, back to ck on Wordless Wednesday. I’ve never had a post WITHOUT words,……lots and lots of words. :))
    Just may give it a try.

Love each other as God loves you xo

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