thursday blog hop

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  2. Thanks for your well wishes. that was soooo sweet of you. I always enjoy your hop. Thank you for hosting….And great holiday decorations. They are wonderfully festive! 😀 God bless you my dear.

  3. Oh oh Katie, I might be the latest here! But the button is still working, am so glad that I still can join. Thanks for the hosting and have a lovely weekend!
    Warmest smile,

  4. Happy Thursday! I look forward to seeing your emails in my box on Thursday cuz that means their is only one day left in the work week. If you have a chance come and share Halloween Treats tomorrow when I co-host a blog hop with Savannah Tracks. I’ll come back and send the link when it publishes!

  5. Hi Katherine! I’m so happy to have found you from LinkyHere via Twitter. I’m a new follower and btw, you’ve got mail ;).

    There are so many hops put there, but there seems to be something a bit special about this one. I think your spirit shines through! Thanks for hosting!

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  7. Hi, Katherine, very excited to link up to this week’s party – I linked pictures of the fiery colors of fall throughout my neighborhood. Thanks for hostessing, I’m off to visit some of the others. Mary

  8. Hi Katherine! Been up to way too much the last 6 week absence from Blogland – but making a re-entry effort this week! Working on “balance” – you know the deal . . .
    Thanks for hosting – met some lovely folks in the “corner” already this morning!

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  11. Hi Katie and Marla! Good morning from the “foggy mountaintop in Tennessee” and it truly is foggy this morning. I linked up over at Marla’s and very much enjoyed reading about how she got into blogging. I’m also a Word Press blogger. My son set me up there at the very beginning…seems a lot of bloggers’ family members prefer WP. Sort of wonderful to have your very own website and great that WP allows that. Hope y’all have a great day! Helen

  12. Hey Katie!!! Believe or not I am finally back to blogging and blabbing!! So happy to be able to come share with you again!!! Thanks for all the well wishes and kinds words while I was ‘away’ with back problems. Thank you so much for being such a beautiful Bloggy friend and hosting this lovely party!!
    Hugs and Blessings,

  13. First of all Katherine…thanks for hosting this party every week! Second, I wanted to let you know how much I appreciate you coming to our blogs and making your sweet comments. It means alot to know the hostess is acknowledging that we have come and played in her playground♥ Most of all…have a great weekend.

  14. Very Happy Thursday on this beautiful, wonderful day.
    I so enjoy the blog hop. So much inspiration. Thank You for hosting

  15. Hello my dear friend – just popping in to say HI! I’m off to my JOB for a few hours but will try to visit the other “hoppers” on my afternoon coffee break ;o) Much love to you and your family, nina

  16. Hi Katherine! Another great party again this week! Thanks a million for hosting, have a lovely Thursday!

  17. Good morning Katherine, Thanks so much for hosting. Today I am sharing a recipe for good old fashion chicken soup 🙂 Have a wonderful Thursday sweet lady.

  18. Hi Katherine, happy Thursday to you! Thanks so much for the Blog Hop, I can’t wait to meet all the other great blogging ladies 🙂
    Hugs to you!

Love each other as God loves you xo

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