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  1. Hi, Katherine

    I posted to your blog hop and I also added your button to my blog page. I am not sure if I am need to do something else. Let me know if I missed a step. By the way what do you me to co-host? I am interested if you can explain it to me. Just email me.

    Thank you for the blog hop.


  2. Thanks Katherine for stopping by my blog. I love your blog and will be keen to get onto the blog hop as soon as I can work it out. Cheers look forward to hopping.

  3. Thank you Katherine for hosting! I have a couple posts coming this weekend, so just put my homepage. I just don’t have them ready yet, but wanted to get back to your hop tomorrow, and go through some new blogs. Thanks so much for coming by Mommy LaDy Club!

  4. What a fabulous idea Katie!
    I’ve stopped by quickly to pop my hat in the ring and play with your lovely friends and I’ll return later this evening [Australian time] to join in the fun.

    Biggest of happy hugs,
    xx Felicity

  5. It sounds awesome. I just can’t join in. I have over 1,200 in my reader. I closely follow and comment on well over 100/200 of them. I would love to have some new followers but I can’t follow back. I am overwhelmed already. Hope a lot of people find some new awesome friends.

  6. Great idea. I have linked my blog today. Thank you for visiting and letting me know. There is just not enough time in each day for all I love to do and want to do let alone have to do. Blissful weekend to you…

  7. I am your newest follow via GFC from the Thursday’s Friends Hop! Love your site! Please visit back when you can. If you are on Facebook, you can also like me while you are there!

    I also host a TGIF hop, details are listed on my blog, please link up now!

    If you do button exchanges please let me know!

    Thanks, Debs Dealz

  8. I am so pleased to link up with you today dear Katherine. Hope you are all ready for the big party later. Thank you so much for hosting this. I hope you forgive the fact that I haven’t posted my usual amusing tale but as you know I am somewhat peoccupied with the book launch so anyone who visits me today – come back in a few hours and join in the party 🙂

  9. Great idea for a hop! I linked both of my blogs. Have you considered adding a share on facebook or twitter icon for each post. That would make it lots easier for readers to share a particular post. IBut ‘m not too lazy to share this on Twitter the long way. 🙂

    1. Never mind! I feel so silly! I’m at work now and I see the ‘share’ buttons on this computer. I don’t know how I missed them at home. dang, my vision must be worse than I thought!

  10. hey, i am trying to figure this out 🙁
    i’d appreciate any help, still new to this blog thing as i don’t do it often, but i’d like to be involved! i use blogger. and i’d like to link your Katherine’s Corner button on my blog but i haven’t the slightest, lol. if someone could send me back a step-by-step, that would be fabulous! thank you!!!

  11. Thanks for the heads up luv….I’ve linked up. Looking forward to this. I put your button with the other links on my page for hops! ~Love & Hugs, M

Love each other as God loves you xo

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