Thursday Favorite Things weekly Blog Hop

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  1. Pingback: Keeping Distracted | My Life's Cup
  2. If you enjoy visiting linkies, photo challenges, and blog hops – or if you host one of your own – please consider visiting here:
    Be sure to link your recurring hop under the day when it’s normally posted.
    And while you’re at it, stop by my weekly hop, Wordless Wednesday on Tuesday, to share your photos, and feel free to share my button… you’ll find the code on my sidebar.

  3. Some great recipes this week, Katherine! The peach zucchini cake sounds like a winner!! So many favorite things – and new ideas to try! Thanks for the inspiration!

  4. Hi Katherine! I’m a few days late, but here I am! Your hop has grown since the last time I visited….awesome!! Thanks so much for hosting my friend…have a great weekend! 😉

  5. Pingback: Keeping Distracted
  6. Pingback: Vintage Tool Box Makeover
  7. I’m so glad I stumbled/hopped on over! I love your store items.. wish I’d had this last year when our daughter got married! Oh well, I still have one more daughter to go 🙂 Thanks for hosting the Thursday link up & I will definately see you all again. OOXX Wendi

  8. Pingback: Cooking on the Homestead--A FREE E-book -
  9. Thanks for hosting. Love the fact that you cover so many subjects. This is my first time visiting and linking with you. I have posted my Overnight Mint Chocolate Pudding Oats (No 199!)

  10. Thank you for hosting Katherine and introducing us to Shanna, which made me spend lots of time browsing her site and finding even more new blogs! 🙂

  11. Hi Katie, I’m linking up Weds. night, just 20 minutes after you launched the link up party for Thursday Favorite Things…by the time I got to link up, which would have been #25, already at least 6 others linked up. Wow, I’m so happy to be included…thanks for hosting another great party! Hugs,

Love each other as God loves you xo

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