almond pound cake recipe

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  1. My Garfield ate a moth last night and had no appetite today, poor guy. Glad Izzy is in the pink again!
    Days go by all too quickly many times.

  2. Katie,
    So glad your baby is feeling better. And I know what you mean by blinking and it’s over. I spent the day shopping with my baby girl who leaves for her freshman year of college in just 2 days! Talk about blink and it’s over!
    Have a wonderful day
    The Adored Home

  3. Oh wow…a Katydid! Poor thing! Two of my favorite things…almonds and pound cake…yummy! I’ve got to go to the store, because! Lol! Thanks so much for sharing it and thanks for linking up! Have a wonderful rest of your week Katherine…see you tomorrow!;-)

  4. Hi Katherine,
    Your “Keepsakes” are lovely and your cake looks yummy! I’ll definitely pin it and try to convert it to gluten and dairy free. Thank you and here’s to more blissful days that go by in a blink! Aloha, Lori

  5. Poor Izzy! Today was a rainy and somewhat tired day here. We didn’t do much although my older one was out with her Grandma all day so I got nice time with the baby.

  6. Yesterday spend doing packing. Yup…moving this weekend. May not have internet access so soon but will try come comments whenever I can

  7. Pound cakes are my favorite. It looks delicious, Katie.

    I stayed home all day yesterday. I did some genealogy research, restored a vintage photo for someone, finished one book and started another, and watered indoor plants. It was a great day.

  8. Sounded like a great day yesterday and glad you got so much done. I took the girls for a hair cut, but not before I got some work done in the morning and then when we got home later in the evening, too!! And thanks for sharing that awesome cake recipe 🙂

Love each other as God loves you xo

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