bake a cake giveaway

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  1. I think I baked a cake in 1975. Not a baker… I like red velvet cakes with cream cheese frosting.
    Thanks for the contest.
    slehan at juno dot com

  2. I baked a low carb chocolate zucchini cake for my husband this past fall. I want to experiment with more low carb, sugar free baked goods. As a type 2 diabetic, I have to be creative <3.

  3. One of my favorite cakes is Italian Cream cake. I can’t remember the last time I baked a cake. This is ironic because when I was 12 years old and my sister was 16, we and friends took a Wilton cake decorating course. My sister and I made more cakes than I wanted to for spending money. That was back when you didn’t just go buy teady made decorator icing. We had to make it and how many mixers we went through I couldn’t even begin to count. That icing is basically powered sugar and crisco. We made cakes for years. And now I can’t remember the last cake u made.

  4. Just a couple months ago was the last time I baked a cake! My favorite cake is a classic wedding cake with the flavors of vanilla and almond!

  5. I love red velvet cake. I haven’t made one since Christmas and just thinking about one makes me want to run to the kitchen and bake one for tonight!

  6. Honestly i dont even remeber last time I baked a cake. My favorite cake-Chocolate with a genache frosting.

  7. I can’t remember when I baked one from scratch but using a mix about a month ago. Cake is my favorite sweet dessert. Rosanne

  8. I baked a Sock-it-To-Me cake last week. Since I cannot say I only have one favorite cake, my top two are chocolate and Boston cream cake.

  9. The last time I baked a Cake it was for my Great Grandson’s Birthday in April last year. About 9 mos ago. I baked a Yellow Cake and frosted it with Chocolate Buttercream Frosting.. As Far as my favorite cake goes. Any Cake that is moist and flavorful I Love. Can’t stand Dry Cakes.

  10. I bakd a cake 2 days ago, it was my mother in laws recipe for dark chocolate cake with cream cheese icing.So delicious.

  11. I haven’t baked a cake in a long time. I love chocolate layer cake with whipped cream frosting and filling.

  12. It’s been awhile since I made a cake, but my birthday is in March so I’ll be making my favorite then…german chocolate!

  13. I baked a chocolate mayonnaise cake a few years ago for my husband. It’s a family favorite and he wanted to try it. It’s so moist and tasty!

  14. I baked my husband a German chocolate cake for Christmas. My favorite is yellow cake with milk chocolate frosting.

  15. 2 years ago!! But I will be baking one here very shortly for my son’s fifth birthday!! He is so excited!! Im a little nervous but excited too 🙂

  16. I baked a cake about 10 days ago for my husband to take work. My favorite cake is lemon — lemon layer cake, lemon bundt cake, lemon sponge cake. You name it, I love it lemon.

  17. last time i baked a cake was when i was in high school so quite a while ago haha. need to start back backing again.

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