vegetable tart vegetable recipes

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  1. I want to eat at your house!
    Breakfast is the best meal anytime. I will give your recipe a try and it gives me a really good excuse to buy a tart pan! woo hoo!!

  2. lol work the graveyard shift, then after work, yes dinner time, breakfast is being served.
    On a Friday a few of us go for breakfast after our last shift of the week to celebrate our early start to the weekend. That is usually about 8 a.m. and then when I get home I often crack a cold can of beer. It is a topy turvey world when you work the night shift.

  3. I wouldn’t even tweak this for my own family since we have a few supertasters in the family and some ingredients absolutely cannot be used, not even in moderation. Now I’m hungry for a second breakfast!

    1. Oh, and I meant I wouldn’t want to tweak it! Which is awesome. I always find recipes that look good but I have to leave something out. Not here!

  4. We haven’t had breakfast for dinner in so long!! We used to love to do it once in awhile, not sure when it went by the wayside. This recipe looks good!

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