turquoise furniture

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  1. Katie,
    What a cute table! I think I am obsessed with furniture! I just need to clear out my garage and fill it with furniture and then just change it all the time… oh wait then where would I store my 13 Christmas trees??
    Love it!
    The Adored Home

  2. Love it, have just done a turquoise bathroom, actually I I think you may have seen the photos. Thanks for all your continuing support during what has been a difficult year for me.

  3. Dear Katherine, I love it. I love the color and style…it really pops and adds a little something extra. My daughter recently got me into Pinterest, and now I too love to sneak a break in and ‘window shop’. I love your selection…I find the green side table especially pretty. Wishing you a wonderful weekend. Blessings my dear, your friend, Catherine xo

    Izzy is just adorable!!

  4. No coloured pieces in this house, natural wood is our taste. Funny that our furniture is natural and yet our fixtures such as stair rail and doors are painted white. I notice you have a natural wood stair rail.
    I too miss the beach, I grew up in a seaside resort in the UK and could get to the beach whenever I wanted. For me a lake beach has no real appeal, it has to be one that gets washed by the ocean tide twice a day.
    Oh by the way I love turquoise.

  5. I seriously, seriously love the color turquoise. I have such a soft spot for it, being originally from the southwest. 🙂 I can’t blame you one bit for wanting to bring it into your beautiful home!

  6. I do, it’s a hunter green (very large) computer armoir. Great photos you grabbed! I’m partial to turquoise also, but none in my house, only in my closet. LOL! I’ve seriously considered painting my china cabinet to pop to some color in the dining room, though.

  7. that is a beautiful piece. The only colored piece we have in our home is a white chest of drawers that I found at an antique shop and it was already white. I absolutely love it. The husband is not a fan of painted wood pieces…so I was lucky that he liked the chest of drawers I bought 😉

  8. I’ve been planning when I move to do beachy colors in our LR, with grey as my neutral color. I have a purse that shade of lavender!

  9. I ove your new turquoise table and know can’t say we have an accent piece in our home at this point, but loved many of your choices, especially the pink, but doubt my husband would let me run with that color, lol!! Seriously, loved seeing all your ideas above and have a great weekend!! 🙂

  10. I’ve painted several pieces over the years, usually for others. I think I only have two in my house right now. Yours looks great!

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