Thursday Favorite Things Blog Hop 61
It’s time for one of my Favorite Things!
Thank you to all who make this blog hop so much fun!
I’m happy to have Emily from Newlywed Moments as my co-host this week.( thank you for filling in at the last minute).
Please share the hop with your readers and please let me know if you would like to co-host. I love to have a co-host every week.
I do my best to visit all of you. But if I miss you please forgive me and I hope you understand. Please know how much I enjoy hosting this party for you and having you share all of your wonderful posts. Please be sure to leave me a comment if you are a new follower so I can be sure to follow you back:-)
Thursday favorite things is where you can link your favorite post or write a post about your favorite things and share it with old and new followers. You gain visibility for your blog and make bloggy friends too!
You must be a follower of Katherines Corner preferably through Email on my sidebar ( But facebook, google plus or twitter is great too.)
- Please follow today’s co-host Emily too
- Please leave a comment so we know that you stopped by.
- No adult content blogs.
- Blogs only please.
- Visit and Follow as many other blogs in the list as you can. Nobody expects you to visit all of them ( although that would be awesome) Just click and go. Remember to leave a comment
Now hop on and lets share our favorites. If you’d like to post this blog hop on your page please just grab the linky code. Or if you would like to be a co-host please contact me
have you added your blog to the blog list tab?
Thanks so much for hosting! =)
Katherine- your party gets bigger every week! Great job! Hey, will you take a minute and join my Friday Favorite or Failure project party? Thanks for a great party!
I love your blog and I love the link up! Thanks for organizing it!
Hi, Katie, Thanks for having another great party!! You are one busy gal!! Thanks for being so nice. It’s a warm, happy feeling. Linda
Wonderful hop with soooooooooo much inspiration.
You’re a great hostess. thank you
Hi Katherine!
This hop is such a fun idea! I’m following you on twitter now and look forward to reading more!
Lauren @
Hi Katie, thanks as always for the great party each week! Love it!!!
great me look, appreciate the invite and thanks for hosting!
Happy Thursday! I am grateful that I am working from home tomorrow!
Thanks for hosting Katie, I always have a blast joining in the linky fun! Have an awesome weekend!
Thanks for hosting. Have a blessed weekend!
Katie, the new look is awesome!! Thanks for the party!
Hello there Katie!
I hope all is well. Thanks for hosting. I am so happy to be able to join your party again. My area in Jamaica was badly damaged by Hurricane Sandy so I was offline for almost 2 weeks. Take care and lots of love and best wishes to you.
Hi Katie, I hope you’re doing well! I shared my list of discounts and promotions for Veterans Day. Thank you so much for hosting! Hugs!
Hi Katherine, Long time no see… Haven’t done much blog hopping lately. Hope you’ve been well! Love your new banner
Thanks for hosting this lovely community, & God bless!
Thanks for hosting again this week, but I have to say, my husband is starting to wonder why I get nothing done around here on Thursday’s lol. So many great links I feel I have to check out!
Thanks for hostessing this week. Hope you are having a great week.
Yael from Home Garden Diggers
I have joined you now a few times. Thank you for hosting this again. I am so excited about my entry. It is about my daughter’s community service project. If you have time please read about it here:
Thanks so much for hosting this party!
Thank you Katherine! Have a great week, Lori
I am lovin’ your new blog design!
Very open, clean, and stylish
This is fantastic! Can’t wait to see WHO I find!
Love the new look! Thanks for this fabulous party too..
Hi Katherine!! Thanks for hosting this lovely party again!!! Love stopping by :))
Hi Katherine, this link makes today so much more special. Love checking out all the good things that other blogs have to offer.
Good morning, Katherine! Thanks for the opportunity to link up. Hope you have a blessed day!
Mrs. Sarah Coller
Hi Katie, I finally linked up after a couple weeks of absence. Love your new theme. (the only problem; it is soo wide on the screen I have to keep shifting from l. to r. each time) Thanks for hosting another wonderful event! xoxo
Thanks so much for hosting again this week!
I love the new look of your blog ~ so pretty and feminine. Thanks for hosting!
Hi Katie
It’s been a while since I’ve had anything worth sharing. Glad to be part of this great linky.
Good morning! It’s so much fun to link up today! Time to go visitin’!
Katherine! Your new page looks gorgeous! I always love visiting here. I shared my Holiday EggNog Recipe. Enjoy!
Thanks for hosting Katherine. I’ve been meaning to enter but always forget…but not this week:)
Katherine, Your red pear from yesterdays post looked so yummy! I will be on the look out for these beauties the next time I am at the farmers market.
Thanks so much for hosting again this week! Laura
Great idea for a meme – thanks for hosting. Have a great week.
Thanks for sharing. Stop by my blog Recipe for Life if you get a chance and check out my family favorite recipes at:
Deborah H. Bateman-Author
Hello and a big happy Thursday to you all
Thanks for hosting another Super party!!! I always pick up a few great ideas.
wow! i love your blog’s brandnew look!
Hi – thanks for the hop, Katherine!
New follower! Thanks for hosting this hop
Following you via Facebook and would love for you to stop by my blog and facebook and say hello!
Thanks for the party Katherine, I hope you have a great Thursday! {Hugs}
Katie, I have been so busy that I missed your re-design…it is fabulous! Love it…it is professional yet inviting! Great work! Have a wonderful weekend ahead!
Thanks so much for hosting Katherine!!! I’m so behind this week with everything that I still haven’t gone through last weeks party – going now!