thursday blog hop

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  1. Hi Katherine, just started following your blog on G+. I’m new to blogging and had never heard of a blog hop until now. But let me tell you, I think it’s a fabulous idea! Thanks for sharing.

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  3. Katherine you are such a gem to host this lovely spot for all of us to share in one another’s corners. Blessings and love to you my dear bloggy friend! xoxo

  4. Hi Katherine,
    Thanks for hosting this event. I found you on Linkyfollowes (I will follow you there, too) I am new to the blog hop party scene, but I am really excited about being apart of it. I liked (followed) Katherine’s Corner on FB and I followed you on Twitter. I’m happy to be apart of this new community of friends!

  5. Hey Katherine! Sorry I missed you before. You went to my spam folder last week, so now I know to check it;)

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  9. Hi, Katie

    Thank you for hosting this lovely party! I have a special giveaway at my blog. Woo Hoo, my second one. I would love for you to stop by. Have a great day.



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  11. Thank you so much for putting this party together for us ea and every week. I appreciate it and I also LOVE partying with you. :))

Love each other as God loves you xo

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