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  1. hi Katherine,

    Can you see that Nothy Lane blog gets the message that I am safe and okay? My emails have been hacked and I think they are trying to erase my identity. They have been stalking me for a lot longer than I thought and I’m afraid.

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  4. I’m late, but glad I made it 🙂
    Thanks for linking up with my NO RULES Weekend Blog Party!

    Thanks for hosting and have a great weekend.


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  6. Hi Katherine,
    Your blog hop keeps getting bigger and better! Thank you so much for hosting and for all that you do! Aloha, Lori

  7. Hi, Katie, I just started my own weekly party and it’s a little scary. Would love to have you come over and link up one of your lovely posts. Thanks and take care, Linda

  8. I didn’t hook up today (nothing crafty on my site today), but I am here to visit and hop around a little bit (because I love some of the things I run across when surfing your hop!). 🙂 Thanks for hosting.

  9. Hello Katherine ! I am a new follower on Facebook. I found your blog link-up through I just wanted to say thanks for hosting this link-up and I look forward to hearing from you. God bless you.

  10. Love love love your new layout. Today is my 500th blog post and in honor of it, I am going to read as many new blogs including your co-host’s as my old eyes will allow. Thanks for hosting again this week – Smooches!!

  11. Pingback: OOTD – 500th Post « Fashion & Fun after Fifty
  12. I’ve been trying to add party link buttons to my sidebar, Katherine, and no code is coming up for yours. I keep going where it says the code is, but there is only a picture button and no code. Am I doing something incorrectly? Please advise when you can.


  13. Thank you for hosting this blog hop. I will be putting your button on my blog hop page within the next few days. It is always fun to skip around to see what other’s favorite times are.

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  15. Thanks so much for hosting again! I guess this means your computer problems are better? I wondered if you would be able to host this week. 🙂

    I am sharing my new favorite, Lasagna Soup . It is so good to eat on a cold night!

  16. Thanks for much for hosting, my Friend:)

    So sorry about all the issues with the internet you have been having:( I was able to hop over and leave a note for your co-host and it worked great:)

    Have a much better week!

  17. Thanks so much for hosting Katherine – even with all your internet problems!
    I tried to follow your cohost – but it kept saying it was ” crashing “?
    Will try later
    Big hugs,

Love each other as God loves you xo

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