thursday favorite things blog hop

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  1. Pingback: Of Flowers and Cats | Country Charmed Life
  2. I love this time of the year when there are so many fresh fruits and veggies available. It looks like you have a pretty crop of green beans. Thank you for hosting. laurie

  3. Thanks so very much! I don’t always get the chance to post and link in with you but boy do I appreciate your reminders and I love visiting your blog! Have a great day!

  4. Hi there! Thought I already visited you this week, but apparently not ;o) I’m going to visit some of the participants and try to connect with the rainbow sherbet cookie lady – be sure to steer me in the direction of other bloggers who might want me to share their ideas with the Ruby community. I’ll see what she says! Hugs, Nina

  5. Pingback: Seasons of Change – Of Flowers and Cats
  6. Jim just brought in our first green beans, He was crunching on them saying how good they were. Thanks for hosting the party. Linda

  7. I remember cleaning the beans and snapping the ends of (reverse order, lol) when I was a kid. 🙂

    Thanks for hosting, have a great week!

  8. We have so many stringbeans I have been eating them raw. They are actually good like that. Have a great weekend!

  9. Your green beans look beautiful! If I had enough sun for a garden, I’d be growing green beans, too — my favorite veggie. This week I’m sharing a dish of Collard Greens with Garlic and Lemon. I didn’t learn about collards until after I was an adult, but I wish I’d found them earlier 🙂 Thanks for hosting, and have a wonderful week!

  10. Pingback: Collard Greens with Garlic and Lemon | Elegantly, Gluten-Free

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