thursday favorite things blog hop 156

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  4. Katherine you are amazingly busy. I hope you have a calm weekend planned. I love your inspirational blog. I always take something with me when I leave. I am a new blogger and I would please love it if you would follow my blog and leave a comment from time to time. Thanx so much!
    Anne’s Attic – design

  5. Thanks, Katherine for hosting! I love the idea of favorite things! It reminds me of the Sound of Music. Hmm. Love that show. Have a beautiful week!

  6. Wow, I am almost late to the party – I love your new headers, so nice, bright and clean. Thankful for another Thursday that Lord hath made – looking forward to reading some great posts today.

  7. Katherine, your site is so joyful. Thank you again for the opportunity to link my blog. You are one special woman. And you invite all these others to chime in. There is so much creativity that it’s heartwarming. Have a nice day. Hugs.

  8. Good Morning, Katherine! What a pleasure to have another reason to pop over to your Beautiful Blog! I love your cover photography on the new Autumn issue of Ruby! You are one, multi-talented lady, for sure! I hope you are having a wonderful week. Thank you so much for having such a great party every week, with SO much inspiration!
    Many Blessings, My Friend!

  9. Hi Katherine, your doggy is sooo sweet and ours naps on the couch too. Thank you for hosting another party and have a wonderful weekend, Lisa

  10. That is the sweetest thing ever Katherine ! Aren’t they just so precious – if I leave my purse on the floor, mine will curl up on top of it and take a nap LOL
    Thanks so muchf or the party !

Love each other as God loves you xo

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