Thursday Favorite Things Blog Hop 197
Thursday Favorite Things Blog Hop 197-
It’s time for the Thursday Favorite Things Blog Hop 197 and I can’t wait to see what you link up this week. My favorite thing this week is…Well you may think it is a bit funny. But, when our daughter and son in law came back from their trip to California with our grandchildren. Our oldest granddaughters were very excited to share that they had put some more holes in their ears, giggle (like mine and my daughters). I had to wait until I was sixteen to get my ears pierced ( just one hole in each). I think I was 21 when I had the other two ear piercings done on my left ear only.So that’s my favorite thing this week. Here are all of our ears lined up. I imagine you haven’t seen anything like this posted on a blog before. I think it looks nice and I asked them not to add anymore holes though. giggle. Do you have pierced ears? How many holes in each ear?
Welcome to the Thursday Favorite Things Blog Hop! You can link your favorite post of the week. Or write a post about your favorite things and share it with old and new followers.
This hop is hosted and posted on 6 different blogs!
Please follow ALL of your hostesses.
Your link will appear on the blogs of ♥ Katherines Corner, Over 50 Feeling 40 ,Vintage Mamas Cottage, All Thats Jas, What Erika Wears and Surroundings By Debi ♥
We invite you to Grab a Hop Button for your blog (just copy and paste with a link back)
• PLEASE DO NOT link and run, please visit and comment on at least two of the links ahead of you. This simple act of kindness will result in a much more satisfying blog hop experience ♥
• Please link to your post and not to your blog home page.Yes you can link giveaways (they are everyone’s favorite thing).
• Please remember to post no more than 3 links.
• No adult content blogs.
• No links directly to your shops or websites selling things/services please! (sorry they will be removed)
♥ Optional- Link back on your post and/or share the hop button on your blog .
Please leave comments when you visit, let them know you are visiting from the Thursday Favorite Things Blog Hop . I invite you to add your giveaways to Katherines Giveaways Page too!
Adding your link to this blog hop gives Katherine and her hostesses permission to share your posts and pictures via social media, pinterest and as a Make It Monday feature on Katherines Corner.♥
♥ Please Follow Your hostesses ♥
♥ Katherines Corner, Over 50 Feeling 40 ,Vintage Mamas Cottage, All Thats Jas, What Erika Wears and Surroundings By Debi ♥
Lets Share and HOP ♥
Please add Katherines Corner to your google plus circle
Thanks for inviting me to your lovely party and thanks for hosting Katherine! Have a wonderful weekend!
I had to wait until I was 16 to get my ears pierced. I remember it being something I wanted to do more than anything. In my teens I pierced the top of one ear (my self!). I let it grow up in my 20s when I also got my 2nd holes only so daughter would let them do hers. I never chance the earrings in them. They are just there. lol.
Thanks for hosting a fabulous party ladies. I always love your creativity.
Make it a great weekend.
So wonderful :)) Happy Friday my dear xx
Thanks so much for the party Katherine.
Katherine, love if you stop by for a few minutes to my Fabulous Friday Party! !
Hugs Maria
Ha, cool grandma! I had my ears pierced since I was a baby and so did my daughter. Then we got another hole in our left ear together when she was about 11. Later on she added a hole to her right ear but I left mine at three. If one day my granddaughter wants me to pierce my ear with her, I’d totally do it! Thanks for being a cool hostess too!
Hi Kathy, ya’all have very cute ears!! Clever post!
I have always thought when I was young, that ears are the funniest thing!!
Thanks for hosting this week, hope you are doing better after your health set back.
Have a great weekend!
I got my first (and only) set of holes when I was 14 or 15. I had gotten “sleepers” to do them myself on the QT so to speak. But being 14 or 15 I decided that it was taking much too long – so in my girlfriends bathroom, I put a sewing needle through the start of the holes so the sleepers would finally be through. We did sterilize the sewing needles so we were thinking “safety”. When my daughter wanted hers done … I took her to a jeweler to use a gun … since I figured she would probably do what I did if I didn’t
Hello beautiful! Thank you for hosting such a fun party. We would appreciate it if you would stop by our party. We would love to see what you have been working on! Lou Lou Girls
Hi Katherine, I really liked your post on ear piercing. It’s a really fun topic. I went through the stage of several piercings. But I am down to one in each ear, I just took out my second holes a couple of weeks ago, they had been pierced for 30 years! I’m just tired of putting them in and out. My little grand daughters have had them pierced since they were 6 weeks old and they are so darling. It’s such a matter of choice. Have a lovely day and thank you for hosting. Hugs, Jo
Thanks so much for hosting, Katherine (and ladies!). I have 1 hole in each ear ~ my Mom took me to get my ears pierced when I was 13 and then when I was 15 I wanted a second set….my mom said no but I was rebellious and used a DARNING needle to make my own second set of holes…yep…bad idea and wow did it hurt…I let those holes close up about 5 years ago…I wish I hadn’t now…OY! Have a wonderful week and thanks for sharing your story.
I only have one hole in each ear, but that’s because my ears are so sensitive it’s all that I can have. My oldest, she just turned 16, has two holes, wanting her 3rd. And my almost 10 year old is terrified to get hers done, although she wants them. She was with us when Kayla got her 2nd hole, and we thought she was going to do it, but when she saw how red Kayla’s ears turned when she got them done, she decided it wasn’t for her. Oh well, she’ll get them eventually I’m sure. Thank you so much for hosting and have a wonderful rest of the week!
Happy Thursday, Katherine! Pinned.
Stopping by to party with you all and to check out some of the great posts!
I only have 1 set of pierced ears. My mom had 2 and then regretted it. My sister has double pierced, then a cartilage and a different one, I forgot where! Sometimes I wish I had double piercings, but I think I would faint if I got another set, haha.
Southern Elle Style
Thank you for hosting!!! Have a wonderful weekend ahead!!!
Glad to join you another week.
Thank you so much
Hi Katherine! Loved the pictures of everyone’s ears. Ha, ha! I have two piercings in each ear. Thanks for the party!
HI Katherine, How fun all your girls getting their ears pierced again. I only have one but maybe I need a 2nd so I can wear the diamonds too. You’ve inspired me. Thanks for hosting another great party and have a great week, Lisa
That is the most fun set of pictures! My mom pierced mine the old fashioned way. By my step dad pinching them, holding ice on them, then mom with a large needle and a potato behind my ear. Never again that way….Thanks for the party!!! Carrie, A Mother’s Shadow
Thanks so much for throwing a great party, ladies!
Thanks so much for the party!!
Thanks for hosting lovely ladies. Have a happy Thursday!
Best wishes,
Natasha in Oz
Hi Katherine!
Thank you so much for letting me share here!
Have a wonderful almost weekend!
Thank you for hosting another fabulous week.
Y’all are too cute Katherine. I only have two holes in each ear. I’m older though so maybe that’s enough! Thanks for hosting and have a great week.
Love your favorite things this week. It’s adorable to have your family line up of ears! Too cute! (and pretty) I have two in one ear, and one in the other. My mother did mine when I was 12 and as an older teenager my best friend and I did a second set in our ears. All was great until later on, my first born son ripped my ear to grab an earring. I had to have it cut and sewn back together. After a few years, I had one hole pierced in my repaired ear. You inspired me to get a second one in that ear again.
Thank you for another wonderful week! hugs~
I have two in each, my kids want more. Thanks for the party! It’s my first time linking up!
Thank you Katherine for Thursdays Favorite Things 197. Love visiting and joining in. Have a great week.
oh my goodness Katherine, what pretty ears!! You all must have so much fun! Thanks so much for the party!
Katherine, Hope you had a wonderful Fourth of July. Thanks for hosting!
I only have one in each ear but wish I had 2 so I could have a diamond stud in the second one. Maybe when I turn 70!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thanks for hosting! Have a wonderful rest of the week!
Aw, Katie I got my first set of holes when I was 5 years old and now years later have three in each ear. My girls still have none, but am thinking of getting their ears pierced soon hopefully for the first time each. Love that is your favorite thing and thanks for hosting once again!! Xoxo