Between the Lines blog series week three
Between the Lines Blog Series week three-
Welcome to the continuing blog series, Between the Lines, bloggers age 50 and older you should be following. The Between the Lines (pun intended) blog series features bloggers of a certain age who are making their mark in blog land. So I invite you to catch the age wave and float in safe waters as you get to know these fabulous bloggers and you can meet even more here every Tuesday for the next 8 weeks too. Send a little comment love their way too. Comments are like hugs. At the end of the series all of the participants will ask me questions!
A blog series can’t be successful unless everyone participates. I invite you to join me and tweet, pin , share and do all of the other goodies you can to spread the word of this valued, sometimes overlooked, group of tremendous bloggers. Then all you have to do is click on each of the blogs on the list below to discover their blogs and get to know just what a blogger of a certain age has to share. In the interest of full disclosure, as you know, I am a blogger age 55 and you can find out about me HERE.
Meet Amy blogger at Amys Creative Pursuits- She loves sharing the pretty things, fashion, crafts home decor an so much more, all that will make you smile. I asked her-I asked- How many categories do I have on my blog, and do you use more than one category for each post? Good question, as I think some new readers get confused about what my blog is all about. I consider myself a LIFESTYLE blogger. I have seven categories on my blog: Fashion Over Fifty, Crafts, Travel, Gardening, Home Decor, and Beauty. I follow a strict blogging schedule so that if a reader is only interested in one category they can visit my blog just on the day that features that category. For example, readers who are interested in Travel, will visit my blog on Wednesdays when I do a Travel post. My blogging schedule is always listed in my sidebar. If I don’t have anything new to share on that day, I just won’t do a post.Rarely, and only then when they overlap because of my lifestyle. One example would be that when I travel I tend to dress very fashionably, so I use those travel occasions to create interesting photo backdrops for fashion posts. Another example would be my gardening posts. I love to visit botanical gardens when I travel so I share those on Sundays when I do a garden post.
Do you have a pet? Yes, but only one, a cockatiel named Emery. Plus a koi pond fish that lives inside an aquarium in my house…if you count him as a pet. I love animals, and I use to have a lot of them. At one time I had two dogs, one cat, two finches, a parakeet, a cockatiel, and a lovebird. I have a special fondness for cats and birds. One by one, all my pets passed away over the years, and I just never got new pets. I would love to get another cat or a lovebird but we decided we travel too much now and it’s too difficult to have any more pets.
Meet LuAnn blogger at Back Porchervations, I have been bloggy friends with LuAnn for a while now. She loves books and making happy memories with her children. She describes herself as the invisible woman. But I assure you she is no wallflower. I asked-Do you think it is important to have a monthly newsletter? I think having a monthly newsletter is a great idea. If you are like me, you subscribe to a LOT of blogs, and as much as I’d like to I just can’t comment every day on every blog. And I probably would if there was time enough in a day. A monthly newsletter helps readers with busy lives keep up with you and your blog or site, without having to worry about missing some of your good information! Unfortunately for me, I don’t feel I have a good handle on the newsletter vs blog feed question yet, but I am working on it. Last month was a busy one on the blog. I had 54 posts – that’s more in one month than I had in whole years in the early days of Back Porchervations (my blog). People might not want to get an email for each post on the blog. A monthly (or even weekly) newsletter is a great alternative.
What color nail polish are you wearing right now? As far as the nail polish goes, I don’t have any on right now. I do enjoy a good manicure though. It’s just the start of planting season and as much dirt as I get under the fingernails, it just isn’t practical to have nail polish on. My favorite color is a deep wine red color. I also like to make designs on my nails. The best one I ever did was a four color tartan using blue, black, gold and red. This was in the days before the specially made thin nail art brushes and such. (I’m 54 and that’s my ‘I used to have to walk to school up hill both ways in the snow’ story.)
Meet Annette blogger at Fun Chili Cook she is a new bloggy friend and you will love her spit fire awesomeness. She is classy sassy and a little badassy ( wink) I asked-What one thing do you always include in your blog post? I ask my reader’s to take an action. It could be to follow me on social media, read other blogger’s posts, or leave a comment.
When was the last time you felt pure bliss? The last time I felt pure bliss was about a month ago. It was the first day on a cruise vacation where my husband and I started celebrating our 25th wedding anniversary. Here’s a link to a Facebook CLICK HERE to see where BLISS is written all over my face!
Meet Debbie blogger at Debbie This and That- she writes a lovely faith based blog filled with things she loves to share. I asked- Do you use a blog post outline and why? I typically don’t create a formal outline for every post. When I get an idea, I snap photos or find the pictures online that I I want to use for the post and then create the text as I go. I find that I am more creative when I allow the ideas to flow rather than sticking to a set plan. I do try to create a list of post ideas for a couple weeks at a time, but often find that I don’t stick totally to the plan. Too much structure dampens creativity!
What is your favorite exercise? Oh my goodness…I wish I loved exercise more! I have always enjoyed walking and I am married to an avid hiker, so I hike occasionally with him. We have a treadmill and an exercise bike that I use and I add in a little bit of yoga stretching. I am not a “three times a week at the gym” person at all! For me, consistency with any exercise routine is challenging, but I know exercise is important for health, so I try to at least get in a couple walks per week. Now, where did I put my walking shoes…..?
What is your favorite exercise?
Meet Doreen blogger at Doreen Mcgettigan, Doreen is an accomplished author and speaker. She is the president of Intrepid Marketing, Inc. she consults with and coaches writers/authors on all things writing, publishing and marketing. She is an award winning blogger, content writer, ghostwriter, speaker and an author. You will enjoy getting to know her writing style through her log. I asked- What blog subscription platform do you use? I use Feed Blitz and just had the pleasure of meeting Phil Hollows who created Feed Blitz. I am working with him to make some exciting changes. Would you, or have you ever, worn a string of pearls with t shirt and jeans? No I have not worn pearls with jeans and a t-shirt but I have worn pearls (often) with jeans and a sweater.
Meet Robin blogger at Redo it yourself inspirations Robin is a 55 year young married woman with sons ranging from 32 to 12, Robin is a die hard DIYer who’s not afraid of tackling home renovations to furniture restorations. Crafting, cooking, restorations, and renovations come natural while being very thrifty, even if it means driving a big Mack dump truck to improve the property. She’s a horse handler, farmer at heart, and animal lover who makes family and home first.
Do you have an ad bar, hello bar or pop out on your blog?No. I refuse to have any of those. I find them very annoying. I truly understand the marketing, but I won’t have them on my blog.
If we looked in your purse right now, what would we see? Other than ID, checkbook, and credit cards: You would definitely find my cell phone, “to do and buy list” with dimensions written, a list of the model numbers of my tools for materials needed, my second pair of prescription eyeglasses, sunglasses, tissues, taser, a mini flashlight, 12′ measuring tape, post it pad, pens, Swiss Knife, screwdriver set, super glue, and grocery coupons for the week. The measuring tape along with the pad of “post its” and pens are always used. I measure items at yard sales, Lowe’s, and thrift shops and check my to do list with measurements before buying things. I basically carry a horse saddle bag as a purse. It’s a good thing it’s sectioned off by categories. Otherwise, I would get lost in it. (haha~)
Meet Sasha, blogger at Lipstick Margaritas and Hairspray –Sasha is a lady of laughter, a comic and encouraging blogger who uses laughter to relate lifestyle blog posts, you will enjoy your visit and leave smiling. I asked –Does your blog fit a niche?As a writer, my goal is to make people laugh with story they resonate with, knowing the same thing that could happen to them and maybe already has. The very best compliment I can get is when someone says, “I thought I was the only one that happened to!” because I know I have made a connection to another soul and made them feel like they aren’t alone in this giant wide wonderful world. And if I can make them laugh when they’re reading the story, then my job is done. It’s a humor blog and will hopefully, make you laugh! When was the last time you rode a bike? I don’t do outside. Seriously. If I could stay inside 90% of the time, I would. So that whole bicycle thing doesn’t really happen in my world. My husband bought me a bike once, many many MANY years ago. It was an old bike, one of those with the wide tires, a basket and a seat that was a little more ‘attuned’ to my back side. However, I tried to ride it down the driveway and didn’t even make it to the end and THEN had to push it back up to the house. So, no bikes for me
Meet Sabina blogger at Ocean Blue Style-she is a lovely fashion blogger who finds joy in sharing the fashions she loves. I asked-How many photos do you include with each post? Let’s say for a fashion post I include between three and six. If I blog about my city trips (just recently to fashion hub Antwerp in Belgium) there will be more photos, naturally. I made a conscious decision not to use too many photos based on my own experience. If I visit a blog featuring too many photos of the same motive over and over I get bored. I try to avoid that in my blog and hope it works. Less is more.
When was your last vacation and where did you go? I learned swimming at the rough coast of Germany, the North Sea. There is nothing like it because of its unique nature. So I tend to go to the sea in Northern Europe. We went to the Dutch coast enjoying its endless beaches. The climate works miracles like an instant rejuvenation making you look fresh and five years younger But I am celebrating my 50th birthday in the San Diego later this year. So excited I can hardly wait to be back in the U.S.
Meet Michelle blogger at Grammie Time- she is a loving Grandmother who’s blog posts are often about her muse’s her grandchildren. Grammie is what they call her and whenever they are together, “it’s Grammie time.” She looks at blogging like an adventure filled with wonderful places to explore. I asked
Do you use a managed email service for your subscriptions , or something else? No I don’t use a managed email service for my subscriptions. I like simple. If you want to receive my blog in your email, sign up where it says Follow By Email on my sidebar. See simple!
When was the last time I sang out loud? Last week when I picked my grandson up to spend the night with us. He lives an hour away so we always sing songs in the car to pass the time. I always ask him what new songs he learned in preschool and many of the songs I know being a preschool teacher myself so we sing them aloud. And he doesn’t care if I’m off key or can’t hold a tune.
It is a pleasure to highlight all of the lovely bloggers in the Between the Lines blog series .
If you miss any of the bloggers of a certain age posts, you can catch up HERE
Thanks for such a great post, I truly love these series and it was nice that you shared it at Dream Create and Inspire.
I don’t know how you do it all??? This wonderful series plus all the blog hops? I love learning from a pro like you.
Enjoying getting to know other bloggers in this series. Thanks for all your hard work in putting it together,
Katherine I just love this series! It’s been so nice to reach out to bloggers my own age … Thanks so much!
Kathrine I am having so much fun meeteing all these bloggers. I never would have guessed there were so many of us. And the talent is overwhelming and inspiring.
Hello – thank you so much for all the hard work that goes into creating this lovely blog series! I’m featuring it at Vintage Mama’s Cottage as well as Ruby for Women . . . . and linking back here so that our readers can find all of the featured bloggers this week. Hugs, Nina xoxox
thanks for another group of fabulous ladies! I’m thoroughly enjoying the Between the Lines series.
Thank you, Katherine, for putting together this blog series. It’s so exciting to be a part of it….and the technology worked! Woohoo! Thanks so much for your tutorials. You’re the best!!
What a fun series! -Marci @ Stone Cottage Adventures
This is a great series, We need something like this for bloggers over 50, Hugs Maria
Thanks so much for creating this series, Katherine, and for allowing me to be a part. This is really special, and good to meet so many other bloggers who remember the same things from history that I do! I’m aiming to hit all the ladies’ blogs today (for this week) and then catch up with weeks 1 and 2 because I don’t want to miss a single one!
Thank you so much for this amazing idea Katie! Its such fun and interesting to connect with other bloggers! I am really enjoying it and so excited to be part of it. Sabina
Wow, I love this list! I’m glad to see some other “grandma” bloggers!
This is a delightful way to get to know other bloggers and especially others who are a wee bit older, such as myself. You do a beautiful job of sharing each one.
Again—this was a great group of women!!
I wasn’t sure if you read my last week’s comment—would there be any way to link to the blog from your interview?
I do love this idea you’ve had! And today you feature one of my very favorites…. Sasha at Lipstick, Margaritas, and Hairspray. I met her on FB and have laughed with her for quite a while now.
I am enjoying meeting bloggers that I haven’t met before! Thanks so much, Katherine!
Thank you so much Katherine for all the work you have put into this series. I am really enjoying meeting these other fabulous women!
Thanks for this series Katherine. I am enjoying it a lot. I agree with Robin about the Facebook group. It would be fun.
Have a lovely day!
Thank you for sharing us, Katie.
You are incredibly organized. This series is a beautiful compilation of wisdom, personalities, and a great way to find more friends in our segment. I haven’t heard of some within our group before your introductions. I’m enjoying the company of new friends.
Maybe we should start a support and friend group on Facebook, “Katie’s Fabulous over 50”! We could share the latest and greatest together on a regular basis. Menopause tips to blog posts? (wink!!)
Thank you so much! Hugs! oxo
Aw, another great continuation of this series here today and love getting to here more some awesome bloggers you have featured here today. Hugs and Happy Tuesday now xoxo <3
Thanks for doing this series! So many wonderful over-fifty bloggers!
Really enjoying reading about all these lovely bloggers ! I’m saving this post so I can catch up with them all x