between the lines blog series bloggers age 50 and above you should be following

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  1. Hello – thank you so much for all the hard work that goes into creating this lovely blog series! I’m featuring it at Vintage Mama’s Cottage as well as Ruby for Women . . . . and linking back here so that our readers can find all of the featured bloggers this week. Hugs, Nina xoxox

  2. Thank you, Katherine, for putting together this blog series. It’s so exciting to be a part of it….and the technology worked! Woohoo! Thanks so much for your tutorials. You’re the best!!

  3. Thanks so much for creating this series, Katherine, and for allowing me to be a part. This is really special, and good to meet so many other bloggers who remember the same things from history that I do! I’m aiming to hit all the ladies’ blogs today (for this week) and then catch up with weeks 1 and 2 because I don’t want to miss a single one!

  4. This is a delightful way to get to know other bloggers and especially others who are a wee bit older, such as myself. You do a beautiful job of sharing each one.

  5. I do love this idea you’ve had! And today you feature one of my very favorites…. Sasha at Lipstick, Margaritas, and Hairspray. I met her on FB and have laughed with her for quite a while now.

  6. Thank you so much Katherine for all the work you have put into this series. I am really enjoying meeting these other fabulous women!

  7. Thank you for sharing us, Katie.

    You are incredibly organized. This series is a beautiful compilation of wisdom, personalities, and a great way to find more friends in our segment. I haven’t heard of some within our group before your introductions. I’m enjoying the company of new friends.

    Maybe we should start a support and friend group on Facebook, “Katie’s Fabulous over 50”! We could share the latest and greatest together on a regular basis. Menopause tips to blog posts? (wink!!)

    Thank you so much! Hugs! oxo

  8. Aw, another great continuation of this series here today and love getting to here more some awesome bloggers you have featured here today. Hugs and Happy Tuesday now xoxo <3

  9. Really enjoying reading about all these lovely bloggers ! I’m saving this post so I can catch up with them all x

Love each other as God loves you xo

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