thursday link party

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  1. Oh my, you’ve had a rough week. Praying you remember your pills from here on out, Katie 🙂 Glad you didn’t forget the party–

  2. Hi Katherine. Sorry your Monday was so miserable. As a nurse I have told my patients to set an alarm on their cell phone to remember to take their meds. Not a sure fire solution but might work. Thanks for the party.

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  4. That is scary, Katherine. Thank goodness for your supportive husband! I’m terrible for remembering to take my meds and could use a pill box with an alarm on it as well. Glad to hear you’re doing better now! Thanks for hosting the party and I wishing you a lovely weekend.

  5. Thank you so much for the feature of my valentine hearts, it made my day!
    Have you got a phone that can do a daily reminder? I use my phone reminder all the time, I can’t always remember right away what it’s reminding me of, but at least I know I have to remember something!

  6. Oh no, Katherine! I’m so glad the husband was able to come home and care for you. I take my daily medication in the morning, so I put them out in a little shot glass on top of my dresser. As soon as I wake up in the morning, I stop at the dresser and take the pills before I walk to the bathroom. It has become such a routine that I can’t remember the last time I forgot to take them. (And now that I have typed that, I will probably forget to take them tomorrow!) Hopefully, you soon find the best way to help you remember!

    Thanks for the link up. I hope you have a lovely day!


  7. So sorry Katherine that missing your pills made you so ill. That is the pits. I am glad you are feeling better. Thank you for the party.

    xo Dianne

  8. Oh, that must have been a tough day to endure. Sorry for your troubles, my friend. Thank God husband came to the rescue. You’ve got a good one! Take care, hope the rest of the week goes well. Hugs!

  9. Aw, Katie I am so sorry to hear how ill you felt from your missed pills. Just glad you got to the bottom of it and that your husband was able to take good care of you. Hugs and hoping you are feeling much better for the weeks’ end now xoxo <3

Love each other as God loves you xo

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