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  1. Hello Katie:
    I am so happy to find your blog. Thank you for following and commenting on my blog. Your spoon rack is a wonderful idea. Happy creating…

  2. What a cute idea! This would make a nice gift, too! Thanks for stopping by my blog…I'm enjoying yours!

  3. Cute project – I love wooden spoons! Thanks for stopping by and becoming a follower – I'm following you now too!

  4. That is so cute! What a great idea. I might just try it when I have space in my kitchen (ie when I move ;).

  5. What a cute idea! I'm going to bookmark this for an idea that I was working on – and didn't want to put an actual hook into the wall. This will do perfectly! Thanks so much.

  6. Thanks for following my blog. I love your little craft, so cute! I think I will make one, and then have another one for my daughter who loves to cook as well!!

  7. Seriously such a great idea! It's so cute and functional for all those old wooden spoons I have (the fraying ones cannot be good for my health).

  8. I am so glad you popped by for a visit!

    I love this project…it's just darling!

    Wishing you a lovely week,

Love each other as God loves you xo

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