Vintage Brooch Ribbon Bracelet

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  1. Love your gorgeous site (and this bracelet!) Reminds me of the "old" VICTORIA Magazine. Elegant, but not fussy.

    Thanks for visting/following my site, The Moxie Bee @ Ive grabbed your white rose button for my site; thank you for the button making site tip!


  2. Katherine,
    What an awesome blog you have…I love the brooch bracelet, it's beautiful.
    I am a new follower from Bloggy Moms and would love to have you follow me as well. I am at:

    Have a super weekend,

  3. Hey Katherine! I'm just following up on the followers of St. Conleth's Catholic Heritage blog. Your blog is excellent. Good job! It would be great if you could include a link to God bless you! Jim

  4. Hi there! I found you via Bloggy Mom's "Follow Me I Follow You" group! I am now following via Google Friend Connect, Liked you on your Facebook page, and Twitter! I would love the follow back!Thank you!

Love each other as God loves you xo

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