no carve pumpkin decor

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  1. Hi Katherine! Thanks for following my new blog.:) I'm following you right back. I love your pumpkin and caramel apple posts!
    If you add "The Blog Entourage-A free blog directory!"
    url link: to your blog roll or link list, I'll add you to the free listings. Thanks! -Christina

  2. These are so cute!!! I absolutely love, love your blog! It beautiful! I will look forward to reading more 🙂 Thank you for following my blog, I am now following you back. Have a wonderful weekend!

  3. These are great ideas! We don't have a single kid in even the extended family younger than 18. A "grown up" craft sounds right up my alley.

  4. They are fabulous ideas…cant wait to try one of them later!
    Love the way you write, and your blog is so gorgeous. will definitively be back often.

  5. Oh sweetie, these little pumpkins are so cute and adorable. Yep, too sweet for kids!!!

    Thanks for sharin' 'em with us!

    Ya'll have the most beautifully blessed 'fall' day!!!

  6. I love your pumpkin posts. The pumpkins are very creative and look fairly easy to do. What would Autumn be with out pumpkins.

  7. I'm only using "adult pumpkins" now too. And, like you, I have some bronzed ones I use through Thanksgiving. I did buy one large real pumpkin to put by the front door with my scarecrows. I hope it last until Halloween. We still get sooo much sun aimed right at our front door.


  8. Some people are just down right CREATIVE. You are definitely one of those. What a neat idea. I have to show my daughter.

  9. Great ideas. I have my very first pumpkin growing in my yard and it's pretty small. Maybe I'll use one of your ideas. Thanks.

  10. These are simply lovely, Katie!!! I especially like the leaves on the top of the one pumpkin!!! Thanks for posting this! Such inspiration! ~Janine XO

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