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  1. I prefer online as well–but the Mrs. does almost all the shopping.

    I hope your sites do well then during the holidays.

  2. I love online shopping !! I tried to take my little guy to the mall the other day, it was kind of empty but my son was out the control, freaking out in his stroller… SO from now on, it's online xmas shopping and if I can't get it online, my husband is babysitting
    hugs from Boston xx

  3. Great idea Katherine!
    It seems the older I get, the less patient I become with standing in lines & fighting crowds. Ahhh, to sit in a comfy chair by the fire in warm slippers sounds like my idea of time well spent! Thanks so much for stopping by my blog and clicking that follow button! I'll follow along with you as well and I'll look forward to more visits!

  4. Hi Katie! I just found you on the Making Friends Monday blog hop! I'm looking forward to browsing through your shops!

  5. I'm a touch-y feel-y kind of girl, so I usually want to actually go to the store, but your idea is very appealing this year. We'll see….


  6. I am now following from MBC!! Come and check out my blog

    I went crazy on Black Friday!! Hope you have fun shopping tomorrow in your fuzzy slippers…lol

  7. You sure do know how to shop in comfort and style. I don't do much shopping online at all. I love going to the shops, especially at this time of the year…I know, I'm crazy!

    I look forward to seeing your future Christmas posts! I love the recipes I have seen so far!

    Best wishes,

  8. I'm with you! I do almost all of my shopping online. Completed most of it on Friday, as many were having their Black Friday deals online as well as in the stores. Will check tomorrow as well.

  9. I love that photo with your pink slippers – so great! And you have really beautiful things in your shops! Hope you had a great Thanksgiving!

  10. Clever post to remind us all to be safe warm and cozy and not fight the frenzy. Cyber shopping is a great way to support us too. Happy fuzzy slipper shopping…

  11. Wow, your shops are wonderful. I love shopping online. Love your new header, you blog looks so festive.

  12. I love this! I shopped in October during a month of travel – at a great place where everything is made by folks with disabilities. What I didn't accomplish there will be done "exclusively" online!

  13. Hi Katherine,
    Sounds so good to me and I will be joining you in the relaxing shopping day along with painting away in the studio. I can so relate on the business side of this and shopping with our community of on line shoppes.
    Supporting each other is always a great way to start.

    Hope you are enjoying a wonderful Thanksgiving weekend and best wishes to you and yours for a very Merry Christmas.
    Hugs from Texas,
    Celestina Marie

Love each other as God loves you xo

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