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  2. Happy Belated Birthday Katherine! You wear your age beautifully, so beautifully most would say you are surely telling a white lie. 🙂 You are so blessed to have such beautiful fall surroundings. I live in Northeast Florida and it seems every year it’s warmer with less color to enjoy and certainly nowhwere near beautiful vista’s of hills or mountains and colorful trees like yours. Enjoy this new year you are embarking on. Hugs….

  3. Congratulations! Your post was my feature pick at #WonderfulWednesday this week. Visit me at on Wednesday evening and to see your feature and grab your badge! All hosts choose their own features from the comments left on their blog so be sure to return to my blog for your badge. I invite you to leave more links to be shared and commented upon. Please be sure to leave your link number or post title so we can be sure to visit!

  4. Congratulations! Your post was my feature pick at #WonderfulWednesday this week. Visit me at on Wednesday evening and to see your feature and grab your badge! All hosts choose their own features from the comments left on their blog so be sure to return to my blog for your badge. I invite you to leave more links to be shared and commented upon. Please be sure to leave your link number or post title so we can be sure to visit!

  5. Happy belated birthday wishes to you, Katherine! I’m heading to 56 on this next January birthday and it’s okay. I think I was 15 when I met a woman whom we bought some Nubian goats from back when I was in high school. She was independent, ran her farm with help from her husband, and her hair was still mostly brown at my age now. I asked God if I could keep my hair brown until I was her age, an odd thing to ask at that time but it was what I was most concerned with then. Now, I am grateful that it is still mostly brown with some silver woven into it… probably more genetic than anything as my father’s really didn’t begin graying until he was 60. It was all gray by the time of his passing at age 66. Anyway, sorry! That was a weird story to tell you today!!! 😉 Really, though, like you I’m happy for every day with its beautiful seasons, the blessings in my life, the do-overs that God allows. 🙂

    I hope you had the best day yesterday and best birthday week/weekend coming up,
    Barb 🙂

  6. Nope You had a Wonderful Birthday My Wonderful Friend~ Hope you Have Many, Many More. You are one of the Sweetest Persons I Know~ God Bless You & Hugs~

  7. I wish you a very happy and blessed birthday, Katherine! I agree with you on all of this. We need to embrace our lives with every day that passes and every year that changes and evolves us into better people. Wisdom and self-knowledge is such an amazing gift that generally only comes with age, so I embrace the whole process as the point of living! Thank you for sharing your beautiful birthday photos (and those adorable plaid leggings) with us all!


  8. Happy Birthday to you! Happy Birthday to you! Happy Birthday, Dear Katherine!!! Happy Birthday to you!!!

  9. Many happy birthdays, Katherine! I try to avoid people who are all doom and gloom about getting older. I just don’t need to hear it. Each day is a gift. And it’s very nice to be older and wiser rather than the opposite.

    Love your plaid pants!!

  10. Happy birthday, Katherine! I loved your birthday post. Thanks for the morning giggles.

  11. HAPPY BIRTHDAY BEAUTIFUL! Loved this post. I hadn’t thought of each earned wrinkle as being a wonderful memory. And I laughed out loud when you mentioned the eyebrows – so true! Love how you embrace life. Hope you have a marvelous day.

  12. Happy Birthday!!! I hope your day is filled with laughter, fun and just the way you want to enjoy it. I too now have a bagel, I never thought I’d long for a muffin top. The pimples are OK, I feel young (not really but I’m trying to convince us). Just like there aren’t any grey hairs, just platinum blonde. In the end as you say it’s a state of mind and every wrinkle and laugh line should be cherished. Enjoy YOUR day.

Love each other as God loves you xo

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