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  1. The zodiac change applies only if you follow the Eastern zodiac and were born after 2009, but I think a lot of people are feeling they fit their 'new' sign better. I'm a Scorpio and there's no arguing with it. Haha.

  2. I am somewhere between Pisces and Aries they say…..and now Pluto isn't even a planet anymore! Confusing, don't you think…

  3. I'm have always been right on the cusp of Leo and Virgo and a near perfect match to Virgo traits. Does that mean I am now on the cusp of Cancer and Leo? Am I now bi-polar? I don't have time to read all of these horoscopes each day. I am so confused. 😉

  4. Nice post!

    I'm a Scorpio too (Oct 29), except that, with a rising sign and 2-3 planets in my chart also being Scorpio, I very much act like one.

    According to the 'new astrology', I should be a Virgo…but I'm holding on to my Pisces man!

    Hope all's well on your end, Katie!

  5. My husband was a scorpian and that described him perfectly.
    I enjoyed the post very much.


  6. I am a leo and I heard that it changed if you were born after 2009 I am not sure what the details are. Hey I wrote you an email last night I had a glitch in my blog and no one was able to see my posts so I had to recreate a new one will you please come follow me there its

    Thanks girl!

  7. I heard about this and was really confused. How could they just change it? But, I am both Pisces and Aquarius since I am on the cusp. So I guess I am not too upset by it!

  8. Hi!

    I thought I would let you know that the folks who initiated the shift in signs were proven wrong. The extra sign they created and the dates they changed are all invalid. I wish I could provide a link but I'm on my phone.

    When the news first broke, I checked and I was still a Virgo, so not everyone's sign changed.

  9. When I heard of this I was a little miffed …I'm a Scorpio also October 30th…..and so is my Hubby November 19th…but like you I'm okay with the description of both i fall under. Happy Sunday!

  10. Hi, Katie! It's been a while since I've come over to visit. I am a November 20th baby and match many more traits of the Scorpio than the Libra. I was a reporter and have always acted as a spiritual leader. I am passionate and intense and love to be in control. I am very grateful to have you as a follower and I hope you will swing over my way once in a while. Have a super Sunday!

  11. Come on now girl, you don't look a day over 39. What's this 50 business. I can honestly say I have not looked at a horoscope for years but my sign for march is Aires. Hope you having a great weekend and I wasn't kidding about the first sentence.

  12. I've always been a Libra but at times felt I was a Virgo. When I heard about the astrological shift it makes sense. I'm with you I'll just read both horoscopes from now on.

Love each other as God loves you xo

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