infused olive oil recipe

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  1. Can I put a fresh red cayenne pepper from my garden in it or does it have to be dried? Thanks for these recipes.

    1. Hello Sandy, my pleasure, happy to share. We need to keep food safe. Fresh from the garden ( market) herbs, etc. will contain liquids that can spoil. Dry out completely. You can avoid problems if you use the fresh infusion method ( cooking the oil and refrigerate when cooled, use within a week) Note~ I prefer the dry infusion method, better safe than sorry 🙂

      1. Thank you, Katherine. I have fresh thyme and pepper and no dehydrator. I am wondering if I could just dry them in the oven before putting them in.

  2. Pingback: Buy Infused Olive
  3. For years, like you, I have used nothing by olive oil in my cooking. (vegetable or canola oil when I bake.) I have never tried to make infused oil, but have seen the beautiful bottles with the herbs in them. Thanks for sharing how to do it.

  4. Great post! Love flavored olive oils…I’ll have to experiment with these! We use olive oil primarily also. We don’t even use butter on breads much ..we prefer to dip in olive oil much healthier and delicious!

    1. Giggle, take out always? Might be time to try some of my simple recipes, practice, practice practice, And what better test subjects then your loved ones, LOLxo

  5. I love olive oil! Thank you so much for the infusion techniques. I also use olive oil to remove my mascara. It is the best remover I have ever used!

  6. We use olive oil for all of our cooking, too. One time, though, my oldest daughter made a cake all on her own…and used olive oil instead of vegetable oil. Blahhhh! That cake was pretty awful!

  7. I also use olive oil all the time and try to keep the better brands available. Haven’t tried to infuse any but should be great. You know I was having that problem with blogger but since I adjusted how the title of the blog reads it seems to be putting it where I want it and giving me more spacing as well. Maybe it will be OK, time will tell. It sure is a beautiful day here in NC, hope you are getting some of the same.
    Big ((HUGS))

  8. Pingback: Time For An Oil Change, Olive Oil | Katherines Corner | ClubEvoo
  9. Stopping by from Thursday Blog Hop! I love making infused Olive oil with herbs I grow from the garden! I look forward to checking out all in your blog, lots of information! Have an awesome day.

  10. I only use olive oil when I cook too…except for baking. But then too sometimes, if it’s corn bread! YUM! 🙂 I use extra virgin olive oil and don’t know what I would do without it!

  11. I use olive oil for cooking too but when I purchase it I find myself just staring at the wide variety of choices (and prices) before I make a decision. I always wonder if the highest priced oils are better than the mid range or lowest.
    I’ll have to try some infused oil!

    1. Renee, I certainly don’t think you need to get the highest priced olive oil. Stick to mid range [price. I read not long ago that the cheaper ( generic, etc.) are not always 100 percent olive oil. I use Olio Beato ,Bertolli, or Classico. Hugs!

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