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  1. Thanks again Katherine for sharing these lovely eggs on last week’s Fresh Clean and Pure Friday/Seasonal Saturday. I was so happy to have it as one of the Featured Posts today! I hope that you have a most lovely and blessed Easter coming up soon!

  2. Oh I love these eggs! They look fantastic! I have just made some too using some strips of fabric! Thanks for visiting me, I am look forward to popping back here regularly for more inspiration! X

  3. I keep forgetting Easter is right around the corner – pretty project -luv your eggs: D
    Returning the favor and following you back from WynnieBee’s Buzz By Sunday. Have to explore your site some more – there’s so many wonderful ideas here !

  4. Wonderful project – those eggs are so cute! I’ve been looking for ideas for an Easter centerpiece for our table, and these are perfect!

    Thanks so much for visiting for my SITS day!

  5. Those eggs are so cute! I’ve been looking for something to use as an Easter centerpiece for my dining room table, and I could definitely make a cute arrangement from these. 🙂

    Thanks so much for visiting on my SITS day!

  6. It’s been an awfully long time since I had any Easter decorations around here. No Easter baskets, eggs or Easter candy. Not since my kids were young.

  7. Thank you so much for your sweet comment on my blog! Can’t quite smell the lemon through the gloss, but maybe it’s for the best… I don’t have to fend off ants, neighborhood kids, dogs, etc. for my wreath! : )

  8. Wow, those look good! Thanks for stopping by my blog and leaving such a nice comment. I must have overlooked this blog so I am now following thru GFC. I know I am following the other ones because I entered the contest. Did not know you had more than one! Have a great weekend also!


    1. Hi Mary, I’m trying to get all of the links to come here so there’s no confusion. You are definitely in the contest you have entered oodles of tweets!

  9. Katherine, Your eggs are so sweet and will be so simple to make. I really never even thought of working with a styrofoam egg. I guess I need to make a trip to the craft store because this is really a cute idea.
    🙂 Sue

  10. I love those eggs. Such a perfect Easter Craft! I think even my girls could handle these

  11. It’s amazing how you continue to come up with such unique ideas for every season. Love the eggs and the earlier post of the olive oil dip. Also, Congratulations on over 1500 followers!!!! How incredible! You, are doing something very, very right!
    Have a great weekend Katherine.

  12. These are SO CUTE! Love it! Thanks for stopping by my blog and following – I’m now following you back! Hope you come back and check out my blog – I have two giveaways going on right now with more to come!

  13. Those eggs are so cute! I love Easter 🙂

    Thanks for following, I am now following back!

    Have a Great weekend!

Love each other as God loves you xo

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