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  1. MSG and I do not get along at all. It enjoys bringing headaches and I don’t enjoy hosting them.
    I remember Retsyn from TV commercials for breath mints.

  2. Very interesting blog you have! I’m a new follower from the blog hop. I saw several lovely recipes you have on here that I must try! Have a great day!

  3. Hey Katie, sorry I haven’t been by lately but that doesn’t mean I not thinking about you and all the great stuff you do to help everyone. This was a really good one. I have this site on my desktop but I miss getting prompts like I did when you were on blogger. I will try harder to stop by and gleen from all the knowledge you are sharing. Hope you and your hubby have a great rest of the week and a wonderful weekend. I got the samples and love the Wild Country scent and Linda is trying to work up the rest of the order soon. Bye for now.
    Odie 🙂

    1. Odie, you stopped by!So nice to see your sweet comments. I’d been wondering where all of my bloggy friends had gone. I don’t understand , you mean you don’t see me in your blogger reader? I wonder why? hmmmI’ll check into it. Hugs and Happy Easter!

Love each other as God loves you xo

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