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  1. Now following you from the Bunny Hop! Have a wonderful Easter. Look forward to reading your blog! You can find me at

  2. What a cute idea!! I’m mad that I won’t have time to do this one this year, but I’ll have to save it for next year!! Thanks for coming by my blog!

  3. Hi!
    Thanks so much for taking a few minutes to stop by, always glad to have you!
    Love the little blue bird, cute project!

  4. that is adorable. Having been born without the craft gene, I admire those who are fortunate enough to have it! And being retired, I live in jeans, so I’m going to pass on your giveaway. When I was working, I would have loved this dresss!

    1. Hello Eva, I laughed when you said you were without the craft gene. The dress really is lovely. Perhaps you’ll share my giveaway with your friends. Hugs

  5. I haven’t seen an actual Easter egg tree in years. (except on a couple of blogs) I don’t decorate for holidays, but do have some crocheted Christmas ornaments, when I get the urge to put up a tree!

  6. Oh, this is just darling! I see the doily could be used as a little hat too!
    Thank you for popping in to see me.
    Be a sweetie and Happy Easter to you!
    Shelia 😉

  7. Cute craft! Gotta question – can you use that liquid starch in the laundry? Is it the same thing? And, if so, where do you get it! Thanks for stopping by. Have a blessed weekend!

  8. Pingback: Easter Bunny Doily Craft | Katherines Corner | Hot Glue Gun Crafts

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