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  1. oohhh… great idea! amazing what vinegar can do, huh?! my mom and i use it for everything — did you know vinegar picks up marker and ink stains off of the carpet? (even if it has set… because a certain family member tried to hide it from me so he would not get in trouble and i discovered it when lifting the coffee table to vacuum!) happy sunday!!!!

  2. Nice method. Would work well.
    P.S. Dawn tastes awful!
    Someone once played a nasty trick and put down in a bottle of 7 Up I was drinking. Oh, not good.Not good at all. To this day I hate the smell of Dawn .

  3. Thanks for having stopped by my blog. This is such a good tip! I just wish I could put all of the greased mirror tile from my backsplash (can you say retro ’70s kitchen?) into a wash basin like that. 🙂

  4. That should do the trick – I wonder if using the microwave with a small bit of vinegar would help as well. That is how I clean up greasy messes in my microwave by putting a small amount of white vinegar in a glass bowl and setting it for about a minute – the grease is easily wiped from the walls – it should work for this plate too : D

  5. Hello, I come to via another friends blog.. I am co~author of and I enjoyed browsing your blog and wanted to introduce ourselves.. Heart of the Home is a womens ministry reaching out to women with encouragement from Gods word and his design for women as wives, mothers, friends and etc.. Hope you will get a chance to stop by and visit us, and that we can become Blogging Buddies.. Have a great weekend.. God Bless

  6. Vinegar is a must have in every kitchen and apparently Vinegar and Dawn are miracle workers when put together!

Love each other as God loves you xo

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