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  1. I love the title to this post! Too fun.

    You have received some wonderful gifts in these giveaways but you also give such lovely things as well. It must be your unending generosity that brings you back such treasures.

  2. I accidentally left a comment on a giveaway post and won. I had no intention to enter the giveaway. Now, if I do leave a comment with one going on, I try to make it clear that I’m not there, for the giveaway.

  3. Oh My..You sure have won some beautiful things….I actually just only recently won my first giveaway..It was so exciting…then I entered over at the Graphics Fairy Blog and won her Giveaway…Talk about thrilling…I need to post about it… : ) I will be hosting a month long giveaway here soon so be on the look out..It is going to be a FUN one…

    Thank you for including my bag and I am looking forward to seeing the Napkins.. : )

    Have a wonderful day…

  4. Well, thank you for sharing the ‘Wuglyee’ with everyone, and all of the other gifts you’ve won too!…Yeah, I’ve won a few fabulous giveaways since I’ve been blogging. Jewelry, magazine subscriptions (To “O” and Martha Stewart’s mags too), cards, etc… But as wonderful as it is to win giveaways, I’m even happier to give things away…which I do on my blog, twice a month! I love giving away things I’ve crocheted or written (Poetry)…It was so nice of you to share with us. And I’m already entered in ‘your’ next giveaway too!! 🙂

  5. Good morning Katherine! Look at all those fine things you have won! I think the Cross is the absolute best! I have never won anything, but then again, I can’t say I’ve ever participated in a giveaway. I think I participated in your last one, not sure though! But way to go! Yay you!

Love each other as God loves you xo

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