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  1. Congratulations Screaming Sardine and that is one unique name.
    And how is the beautiful Ms Katie today? Cooler than we are I hope with our temps trying to reach triple digits. Linda is through with rehab but has to continue some in home exercises to maintain her mobility. Hope you are having a great week so far.

    1. Dear sweet Odie your visits always make me smile. I’m fine thank you for asking. It was 98 degrees here! About 20 degrees to hot for me! Happy to hear Linda is on the mend sending hugs to both of you!

  2. Oh…How exciting for the “Screaming Sardine”… Congratulations to you… I will be sure to check out your new giveaway….Love the name of it…So I can’t wait to see it…

    Thank you for your words of encouragement…and now that it is all over I hope to have my Giveaway up and running…

    Have a Beautiful Week!!!

Love each other as God loves you xo

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