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  1. i love green beans with black bean sauce — you basically do the same thing you suggested but in addition, add some black bean sauce (sold in a jar in the asian food isle) – yum!

    1. I hope you enjoy it. We are big fans of steamed fresh veggies too. I enjoyed my visit to your blog. The post about the mint leaf made me giggle. Hugs

  2. Oh I love green beans! Fresh from the garden is extra special!

    This is so embarrassing but the other day I was cleaning out my blogger dashboard to make room (people who have not posted in 9 months, etc) and I must have accidentally un-followed you. I am so sorry and will be more careful in the future. Have a great day and thank you for your lovely comments on my blog. You are such a sweetheart!

  3. Looks great! Our Chinese place has changed too… bummer.

    Hope you have a wonderful day, Love.
    That Girl in Pearls

  4. Ive never even made fresh green bean before, but i do like them so i think ill give this simple recipe a shot. Richard

  5. These are yummy, I make them all the time 🙂

    Thanks for the follow, following you back on GFC and Twitter (hope you’ll follow back).

    1. Hi Diane, we decided to grow only bush beans this year they are more plentiful ( and less stringy) than the pole beans. So happy you have plenty this year. Hugs

  6. Seems like an easy dish to prepare! And those green beans look absolutely amazing! You are so lucky to have your own little garden! ~Hugs, M

  7. Some of my favorite childhood memories revolve around helping my mother harvest vegetables from our garden, including green beans. They were plentiful and I ate a ton of them in my youth, usually served with ham and potatoes. This is a great recipe and I thank you for it, dear friend!

  8. Sounds good… We have fresh beans from our garden too!! Thanks for the recipe….
    Have a Great Day!

  9. LOL…yup…very easy dish to cook. Does meatless also means no eggs?

    Most of the time I would slice the beans thinly to the since of about 1cm or less. Beat and egg. Add some salt and pepper. And fry it together with the beans just like what I did in this post Coz tired and sleepy from burning midnight oil from reading books. Brain not working. Cant think of what to cook. That is the easiest dish :p

Love each other as God loves you xo

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