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  1. Hi there,
    Im originally from New York. I was born there, grew up there and lived there 31 years. 9/11 is emotional for me, I knew people that were in there.
    Im a new friend/follower from Voiceboks. Nice to meet you 🙂
    Please stop by when you can!
    Anne from Good Steward Savers! 🙂

  2. Oh Katherine, this was such a tragedy and at times still seems surreal. Blessings to you and your family, my sweet friend.

  3. I remember the day and the shock that went through me watching the planes go into the towers. And then the tears. I join with all the others in prayers for our nation and for all the families affected by this tragedy.

  4. This is a wonderful post – I echo your sentiment 100%, hats off to the survivors, to USA’s fighting spirit. I am not an American but the way the country came together following this disaster was very humbling to see.

    On another note, I wanted to thank you for following my blog and for your very lovely comments! It means very much to me and I am glad you enjoy reading my ramblings! Hope you have had a restful and peaceful weekend. Best wishes for the week ahead. Seema

  5. My brain remembers very little these days, however, I remember where I was and how I heard the devastating news. Horrible memories of a horrible tragedy.

  6. Hi Katherine,
    I join in sending prayers for those who lost loved ones. I was in Jamaica but saw what was happening on television. My latest post is about 9/11. I pray that something like this will never happen again. Take care.

Love each other as God loves you xo

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