menopause musings damn im hot

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  2. Im 35 and i have hormonal issues that mimic menopause.. goodness if this is what its like im nottt looking forward to it lol

    Hope you cool off soon! 😀

  3. Katherine,
    You had me at “float on a lazy river hot”! I love it, and menopause middle. You are an amazing wonderful and witty woman. I love it. I have 8 yrs before going into the 50’s clubs, so I would arm myself with information and embrace menopause. Thanks for sharing this post again. I always like to watch or read something that makes me laugh. You post did it for me tonight. LOL!
    PS: Write me down on your list of to do, I would like to co-host with you. Thank you.
    PSS: I holding my first giveaway, stop by if you have a chance.

  4. I hear ya loud and clear my dear meno~sister! Heck, I was seen stickin’ my head in the freezer at a church dinner this summer. What can I say??? A girls gotta do what a girls gotta do.

    The only problem is I’m 59…a late bloomer. I thought I was gonna have a period forever. I’d tell folks…I can see ’em in the home. OK whose gonna make the tampon run for Nezzy this month. Heeehehehe!

    God bless ya and have a ‘cool’ beautiful evenin’ sweetie :o)

  5. Being almost in my mid-sixties, I’m pleased to say that all this is well behind me. I must have been very fortunate, because I didn’t get many hot flushes at all and certainly no night sweats or anything like that! 😀

  6. Oh the joys of menopause. Count me among the many. Of course I’m not always hot. Nope, I’m freezing as soon as I throw those covers off. The post made me smile. New follower.

  7. I refer to it as mentalpause and it has been. I went through this young, so my brain has been non-existent for a LONG time. I miss my brain the most.

  8. Cor that made me LOL… yep, am totally with you on the hotness… .my OH complained I am too hot in bed… not many men can say that rofl THanks for your blog comment.. muchly appreciated x

  9. I agree with all the above, but also itchy calves! I don’t know what it is, especially the right one, ugh! No amount of lotion seems to help. I read a book by Suzanne Somers, and she mentions “itchy calves”, too, as a symptom of menopause. Oh well, this too shall pass! xo,

    1. Hmmm itchy calves, can’t say I’ve had that one yet. itchy skin yep, I recently signed up for Suzanne Somers website. She has some very interesting things to share.

  10. Ha! Ha! Every word is my life and existence right now!!!….But you forgot the exhaustion all the time, that exists right beside the ability not to sleep for long periods!! UGH!!!!!!

  11. I am nearly 60 now & …..been there…done that on the menopause road!! You are right…. embrace it. Many generaton before us have gone through that door & now it is for us!! It isn’t so bad!!

  12. I didn’t see this post the first time, and now I’m seeing the date! PLEASE tell me/us you are out of the inferno and into the cool pool. Hope it all went away and you are sizzling, but not from hormones!

  13. I enjoyed reading this because I can relate. I am just entering this stage and have mixed feelings about it. I was always a list person anyway, so that part shouldn’t be too hard to deal with. I also like being warm rather than cold so I’m pretty sure the hot flashes won’t bother me too much.

Love each other as God loves you xo

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