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  1. Wow, you caught some gorgeous shots! Thanks for linking up to the very first Head to Head Showdown on! ~Jen

  2. Beautiful photos, what a lovely location! The ladybird is too funny 🙂

    Thanks for linking up to the Shades of Autumn Photo Challenge!

  3. Hi Thanks for writing the sweet words at my blog!,
    I have joined your blog Hop & now following you, come & follow back, definitely you will enjoy my tutorials 🙂
    Thank you!

  4. Gorgeous pictures – glad you had such a lovely, relaxing drive. That castle and the story behind it…I’ve read about that somewhere! So neat that you live near it.

  5. Oh such a touching story about the castle you got there! Thanks for sharing. Gary found a way to fight cancer and I love his dedication. I love your photos too. Indeed you had a good day! 🙂

  6. Hi Katherine,
    Beautiful pictures – I believe it was a really nice drive. The autumn has so many nice colors hasn’t it? I like this time of year, as long as it doesn’t rain all the time. Thank you very much for sharing. Have a lovely Saturday and Happy Halloween! Hugs x

  7. What a wonderful day and beautiful pictures.

    Thanks for visiting me at A Season for All Things. I’m your newest follower and look forward to reading more of your posts… especially the book club/reviews.

    ~ Ellen

  8. We don’t have a park nearby, and the ones we have in town are not nearly as beautiful as yours. I am drawn to windmills when I have my camera along on a drive outside of town. I love the story of the castle…sad and beautiful. Hugs, GraceinAZ

  9. I have the same dilemma regarding the photos. Once in a while a total stranger will offer to take our photo, and that’s been very nice. Now I do the same when I see a similar situation with a couple or group- no one’s left out then. Pretty photos and thoughts, tfs.

  10. Lovely photos. I like a little island by my house connected by a tiny bridge. There are coves there and sailboats to watch, swings to fly in and swans on the bay. Its a nice place to swim or just sit and think.
    When I lived in Utah, I used to like to go to Tipples Fork in American Fork Canyon and wander around. Not quite a park but, a good place to be.

  11. You have shared some wonderful pictures with us Katherine. What a beautiful castle! I love to capture nature scenes as they give me a sense of peace. The ones you have here were captured at the right moment. Take care and have a good weekend.

  12. No park that we go to. I guess I need to find one. That castle is beautiful. Sounds like you had a perfect day. I would have loved to have seen the ladybugs.

  13. Hi Katherine, I enjoyed this lovely post. I love outdoor scenery and taking pictures of it as you know by my blog. 🙂 We do have a beautiful provincial park near us but we haven’t been out there for a walk in months. I guess we were just too busy. I hope you have a wonderful weekend. Blessings, Pamela

  14. Looks like a GREAT day!

    Bring a little tripod with you and set it up with a timer as you walk down the path. Then you can have a great photo of the two of you walking. I got a super light tripod at Target for $16 and it has a carrying case with it. It is great for taking along in situations like these.

  15. Great post Katie. Driving around on a beautiful day seeing sights we have not seen before is also a favorite pass time of Linda & I. Of course the older we get driving is far superior to walking. Email me and tell a little about what your new adventure is all about.

  16. Hi, Katie
    I love these pictures. Seem like a very peaceful and relaxing day. Glad to see it. Have a great weekend.


  17. You described the perfect day, Katie. If you and your husband still walk hand in hand that says it all and I am very happy for you. My dad loved the great outdoors and his hobby was nature photography. He took pictures of blossoms, fall leaves, bubbling brooks, and even such things as tree bark and fungus which were simply studies of form and texture. He also loved to photograph covered bridges, barns and other man made structures found in rural locations. Have a wonderful weekend, dear friend!

  18. Ohhhh super, I always with that I was captured in the shots more often but alas i guess Im always behind the camer capturing everyone elese lives.
    I love a good long walk, exploring new places, enjoying scenery and history. I’m particularly drawn to old doors or painted doors, big rustic doors and tiny alice in wonderland doors…. I will share some on my blog one day me thinks.
    Lovely blog post. Cute lil lady birds. 😉
    Jennie. x

Love each other as God loves you xo

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