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  1. Why do you always post stuff that keep me a chubby chunkster? Well it is a cross I will have to bear. These look good and , sigh, of course I will make them and , sigh, eat them by the ton. 😉

  2. Unfortunately, with my new eating regime, I can’t eat flour, because I would definitely have made these. They look really scrumptious. I love ginger very much in all forms as well, and with the pistacchio nuts, I bet they are divine!!

  3. Thank you so much for taking the Exposure 99% weekday button. When i was growing up, my mom don’t miss cooking with ginger. I make ginger juice right inside my kitchen. I don’t miss using it when cooking. So i can tell how lecker this cookies will taste…

  4. These sounds marvelous! I tried a chocolate-ginger cookie over the weekend which was delicious, too! I like that there’s bits of ginger in this cookie. It will definitely be on my to-try list! 🙂

  5. Hi Katherine,
    I am sure these biscuits taste good. I have eaten several types of ginger biscuits. At our home we put ginger in a number of dishes. It certainly adds to the flavour. Have a good Monday.

Love each other as God loves you xo

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