Thursday Favorite Things weekly Blog Hop

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  6. Is your back feeling better? I can totally relate, my friend! After my original back injury, I’ve had trouble with it a few times after that. This last time was the worst and I had to go back on bed rest and the doc had me going to PT three times a week at first (then it was only 1-2 times a week).

    The nice thing was that I wasn’t supposed to lie flat, but instead was supposed to lie on an incline. So I could go on the internet if I wanted. The pain pills helped with the pain but I wasn’t on the internet much this last time. I just published a few posts I had in draft and didn’t visit anyone, lol! Thanks for hosting and praying you feel better!

  7. Thanks for always hosting a great party, Katie! Hope your back is better very soon… I went to the chiropractor yesterday and fixed a minor thing which caused major discomfort in my back and hip area (nothing serious) – luckily I walked out as a new person after just one adjustment 🙂 Hugs and Spring greetings from Australia♥ ~Pernilla.

Love each other as God loves you xo

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